Check out the aviation related abbreviation like icao, bcas, dgca, iata, faa. aera, aai, ai, aci, atc, atm, ats, iaf, iata. and more in this blog. You need to know all popular abbreviations and acronyms used for airline, airport or airline classes for the AAI AO, ATC Recruitment Exan scheduled on 26th March 2021. This blog will help you learn and understand all the famous terminologies used in Aviation that you must know as a frequent air travel and aviation in general.
ICAO – International Civil Aviation Organization
BCAS – Bureau of Civil Aviation Security
DGCA – Director General of Civil Aviation of ECAC Member States
IATA – International Air Transport Association
FAA – Federal Aviation Administration
AERA – Airports Economic Regulatory Authority of India
AAI – Airports Authority of India, Arrival Aircraft Interval
AI – Air India
ACI – Airports Council International
ATC – Air Traffic Control
ATM – Air Traffic Management
ATS – Air Traffic Service
IAF – Indian Air Force
IATA – International Air Transport Association
More Full Forms related to Aviation
- One Way: OW
- Round Trip: RT
- Aircraft: A/X
- Airway Facilities: AF
- PNR: Passenger Name Record
- Change Name To: CHNT
- Estimated Time of Arrival: ETA
- Estimated Time of Arrival: ETD
- No Show: NOSH
- Reconfirm: RDFM
- Space Available: SPAV
- Special Service Request: SSR
- Ticket: TKT
- Wheel Chair: WCHR
- Full Fare First Class: F OR P
- Full Fare Business Class: J OR C
- Premium Economy: W
- Economy Class: Y
- American Airlines INC.: AA
- Air Canada: AC
- Air France: AF
- Air China: CA
- Air Newzealand: NZ
- Alitalia: AZ
- British Airways: BA
- Cathay Pacific Airways: CX
- Delta Airlines: DL
- Egyptair: MS
- Etihad Airways: EY
- Emirates: EK
- Finnair: AY
- Japan Airlines: JL
- KLM Royal Dutch airlines: KL
- Kuwait Airways
- Lufthansa: LH
- Malaysia Airlines: MH
- Qantas Airways: QF
- Srilankan Airlines: UL
- Singapore Airlines: SQ
- Swiss International Airlines: LX
- Thai Airways: TG
- Turkish Airlines: TK
- Thai Airways: THA
- United Airlines: UA
- Virgin Atlantic: VS
- Air India: AI
- Vistara: UK
- IndiGo: 6E
- GoAir: G8
- Air India Express: IX
- SpiceJet: SG
- AirAsia India: I5
Abbreviation | Term | Note |
A/A | Air to air TACAN function | |
A/C | aircraft[1] | |
A/D | aerodrome | |
A/F | autofeather | |
A/FD | Airport/Facility Directory | |
A/P | Autopilot | |
AAE | above aerodrome elevation[1] | In aviation, above aerodrome level (AAL), or above aerodrome elevation (AAE), denotes that an altitude is given above the nearest aerodrome or airport. |
AAIB | Air Accidents Investigation Branch | United Kingdom |
AAIM | Aircraft Autonomous Integrity Monitoring | |
AAO | assumed adverse obstacle | |
AAS | airport advisory service[1] | |
AC | advisory circular[2] | Information and guidance publication |
ACAM | aircraft continuous airworthiness monitoring | |
ACARS | Aircraft Communication and Addressing Reporting System | |
ACAS | airborne collision avoidance system | |
ACC | area control centre[1] | |
ACC | active clearance control | Turbine engine system |
ACC | Accessory | In gas turbine engine |
ACE | Actuator control electronics | |
ACFT | aircraft | |
ACI | Airports Council International | |
ACM | air cycle machine | Part of A/C air conditioning system |
ACMS | aircraft condition monitoring system | |
ACP | Audio Control Panel | |
ACR | Avionic Communication Router | |
ACS1 | Airman Certification Standards[3] | FAA pilot testing |
ACS2 | Audio control system | |
ACU1 | air condition unit | |
ACU2 | alternator control unit[2] | Protection from alternator over-voltage. |
AD | airworthiness directive | |
ADA | advisory area | |
ADAHRS | air data attitude heading reference system | |
ADC | air data computer | |
ADD | acceptable deferred defect | |
ADF | automatic direction finder | Navigation equipment |
ADI | Attitude Director Indicator | |
ADIRS | Air Data Inertial Reference System | |
ADIRU | Air Data Inertial Reference Unit | |
ADIZ | Air Defense Identification Zone | |
ADJ | Adjustment | Mechanical term |
ADM1 | aeronautical decision-making | Piloting term of judgment |
ADM2 | air data module | |
ADS1 | air data system | |
ADS2 | automatic dependent surveillance | |
ADS-A | Automatic dependent surveillance – address | |
ADS-B | Automatic dependent surveillance – broadcast | |
ADS-C | Automatic dependent surveillance – contract | |
ADV | Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Verkehrsflughäfen | “German Airports Association” |
AEA | Association of European Airlines | |
AESA | Active electronically scanned array | |
AFCS | automatic flight control system | |
AFD | autopilot flight director | |
AFDC | autopilot flight director computer | |
AFDS | autopilot flight director system | |
AFDX | Avionics Full-Duplex Switched Ethernet | |
AFE | above field elevation | |
AFIS | airborne flight information system | also called automatic flight information service |
AFM | aircraft flight manual | |
AFS | aeronautical fixed service | |
AFT | Aft The direction against the aircraft movement | |
AFTN | Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network | |
AGACS | Automatic ground–air communications system | also known as ATCSS or data link |
AGB | accessory gear box | mainly used in turbine engine |
AGC | automatic gain control | |
AGDL | air–ground data link | |
AGL | above ground level | |
AHC | attitude heading control | |
AHRS | Attitude and heading reference system | |
AIDS | aircraft integrated data system | |
AIM | Aeronautical Information Manual | |
AIP | Aeronautical Information Publication | |
AIRAC | aeronautical information regulation and control | |
AIRMET | Airmen’s Meteorological Advisory[4] | in-flight advisory given over 126.7 |
AIXM | aeronautical information exchange model | |
ALI | Airworthiness Limitation Item | |
ALS | approach lighting system | |
ALT | Altitude | |
ALT | Alternate | |
ALUM | Aluminum | |
AND | Aircraft Nose Down | |
AMC | Acceptable Means of Compliance (EASA) | |
AME | Aircraft Maintenance Engineer | |
AME | Aviation Medical Examiner | |
AMM | Aircraft Maintenance Manual | |
AMO | Approved Maintenance Organization | |
AMSL | above mean sea level | |
AMP | aircraft maintenance program | |
AMT | Aircraft Maintenance Technician | |
ANSP | air navigation service provider | |
ANSP | Authorization of Aircraft Network Security Program (FAA) | |
ANPT | Aeronautical national pipe taper | |
ANSOG | Airport Network Security Operator Guidance (Boeing) | |
A/O | Air oil | In turbine engines |
AOA | angle of attack | |
AOC | air operator’s certificate | |
AOG | aircraft on ground | |
AOM | aircraft operations manual | |
AOM | airport/aerodrome operating minima | |
AP | autopilot | |
A/P | airplane (US), aeroplane (ICAO) | |
APP | Appendix | |
APPL | Application | |
APPROX | Approximately | |
APT | airport | |
APU | auxiliary power unit | |
APV | approach procedure with vertical guidance | |
AR | airworthiness review | |
AR | authorization required | |
AR | As required | |
ARC | airworthiness review certificate | |
ARINC | Aeronautical Radio Inc. | |
ARO | airport reservation office | |
ARP | aerodrome reference point | |
ARTCC | air route traffic control centers | |
ASAS | Airborne Separation Assurance System | |
ASDA | Accelerate Stop Distance Available | |
ASI | airspeed indicator | |
ASL | above sea level[1] | |
ASLO | Aircraft Security Logging Overview | |
ASM | airspace management | |
ASM | available seat miles | |
assy | assembly | |
A/S | Anti-Skid | |
A/T | autothrottle | |
A/THR | Autothrust | |
ATA | Air Transport Association | |
ATC | air traffic control | |
ATD | actual time of departure | equivalent to off-block time[5] |
ATF | aerodrome traffic frequency | |
ATFM | air traffic flow management | |
ATIS | Automatic Terminal Information Service | |
ATM | Air traffic management | |
ATN | Aeronautical Telecommunication Network | |
ATO | Approved Training Organisation | |
ATPL | Airline Transport Pilot Licence | |
ATQP | Alternative Training and Qualification Programme | |
ATS | air traffic service | |
AVAIL | available | |
AWBS | Aviation weather briefing service[4] | Available at designated FSS‘s |
AWG | American Wire Gage | The larger the size number, the smaller the wire diameter. |
AWIS | Aviation weather information service[4] | Available at FSS |
AWOS | Automated weather observation system[4] | Automated METAR reporting system |
AWWS | Aviation weather web site[6] | In Canada |
B | ||
Abbreviation | Term | Note |
BC | back course | |
BCAA | Belgian Civil Aviation Authority | |
BDC | bottom dead centre[1] | Piston engine |
BFL | balanced field length | |
BHP | brake horsepower[1] | |
BITE | Built-In Test Equipment | |
BL | Butt Line | |
BME | Bridge Mounted Equipment | |
B/P | Blue Print | |
BPR | bypass ratio | |
BOM | bill of material | |
BTV | Brake-to-Vacate System | A new feature introduced by Airbus A380 |
BWC | bird watch condition | |
BVID | Barely Visible Impact Damage | |
BVR | Beyond Visual Range | |
C | ||
Abbreviation | Term | Note |
C2 | command and control | |
CA | Captain | |
CAA | Civil Aviation Authority | |
CAM | cockpit area microphone | Part of a cockpit voice recorder |
CAME | Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition | |
CAMO | Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation | |
CAMP | Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program (FAA) | |
CANSO | Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation | |
CAP | cabin attendant panel | |
CAR | civil aviation regulation | |
CARs | civil aviation regulations[7][8] | |
CARS | Canadian Aviation Regulations | |
CAS | calibrated airspeed | |
CASS | Commercial Air Service Standards | |
CASS | continuing analysis and surveillance system | |
CAT | clear air turbulence[1] | |
CAT | Commercial Air Transport | |
CAW | continuing airworthiness (EASA) | |
CBT | computer based training | |
CCRs | closed circuit mixed gas rebreathers | |
CCRs | constant current regulators | |
CDCCL | critical design configuration control limitation | |
CDI | course deviation indicator | |
CDL | configuration deviation list | |
CDU | control/display unit | |
CFIT | controlled flight into terrain | |
CFG | constant frequency generator | |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations | |
CG | center of gravity | |
CH | Course Heading | |
CHDO | certificate-holding district office (FAA) | |
CHT | Cylinder Head Temperature (Piston engine aviation) | |
CI | cost index | |
CL | check list | a flight deck manual |
CMC | central maintenance computer | |
CMM | component maintenance manual | |
CMO | Certificate Management Office | FAA |
CMV | converted meteorological visibility | |
CMPA | complex motor-powered aircraft | |
CofA | Certificate of airworthiness | |
COTS | Commercial off-the-shelf | |
CPDLC | controller–pilot data link communications | |
CPR | Changed product rule | EASA |
CRD | Comment-response document (EASA) | Part of rule making process |
CRES | Corrosion resistant steel | |
CS | certification specification (EASA) | |
CSD | constant speed drive | |
CSO | cycles since overhaul | |
CSS | cabin services system | |
CSU | constant speed unit | |
CSCT | Configuration Item Signer Crater Tool | Boeing |
CTAF | common traffic advisory frequency | |
CTR | controlled traffic region/control zone | |
CVR | cockpit voice recorder | |
CWS | control wheel steering | |
D | ||
Abbreviation | Term | Note |
D | Compass Deviation | |
DA | density altitude | |
DA/H | decision altitude/height (rel. to THR) See instrument landing system | |
DAH | design approval holder (EASA) | |
DBER | damaged beyond economic repair | |
DER | departure end of runway | |
DER | Designated Engineering Representative | |
DEU | display electronic unit | |
DG | directional gyro | |
DGPS | differential GPS[1] | |
DGR | Dangerous Goods Regulation | |
DIA | diameter | |
DLR | German Aerospace Center / Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. | |
DME | distance measuring equipment | |
DME | Designated Mechanic Examiner[2] | A person appointed by the FAA |
DMI | deferred maintenance item | |
DO | design organization | |
DOA | design organization approval | EASA |
DOM | design organization manual | |
DODAR | diagnose, options, decide, act/assign, review | |
DOW | dry operational weight | |
DP | Departure Procedures | |
DR | dead reckoning | |
DTO | declared training organisation | |
DUATS | Direct User Access Terminal Service | |
E | ||
Abbreviation | Term | |
EA | engineering authorisation | |
EADI | Electronic Attitude Direction Indicator | |
EAS | equivalent airspeed[1] | |
EASA | European Aviation Safety Agency | |
EAT | expected approach time[1] | |
EBOM | engineering Bill of Material | |
EBU | engine build-up | |
EC | engineering control (also E/C) | |
ECAM | electronic centralised aircraft monitor | |
ECET | end of civil evening twilight | |
ECR | Engineering Change Request | |
ECS | Environmental control system | |
EDR | engineering data record | |
EDTO | extended diversion time operations | |
EEC | electronic engine control | |
EET | estimated elapsed time | |
EFB | electronic flight bag | |
EFC | expect further clearance | |
EFFRA | engine failure flap retraction altitude | |
EFIS | electronic flight instrument system | |
EFP | engine failure procedure | |
EFS | elevator feel shift | |
EFTO | engine failure on take-off | |
EGPWS | enhanced ground proximity warning system | |
EGT | exhaust gas temperature | |
EHM | engine health monitoring | |
EHSI | Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator | |
EICAS | engine-indicating and crew-alerting system | |
E-LSA | experimental light-sport aircraft | |
ELAC | elevator and aileron computer | |
ELOS | Equivalent Level of Safety | |
ELT | emergency locator transmitter | |
EMAS | engineered materials arresting system | |
EMDP | electric motor driven pump | |
ENCASIA | European Network of Civil Aviation Safety Investigation Authorities | |
EOBT | estimated off-blocktime | |
EPA | European part approval (EASA) | |
EPR | engine pressure ratio | |
ERM | engineering request for maintenance | |
ESA | emergency safe altitude | |
ETA | estimated time of arrival | |
ETD | estimated time of departure[1] | |
ETE | estimated time en route[1] | |
ETL | effective translational lift | |
ETOPS | Extended-range Twin-engine Operation Performance Standards, see ETOPS | |
ETSO | European Technical Standard Order, issued by EASA; see TSO | |
EUROCAE | European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment | |
EVAS | emergency vision assurance system | |
EW | Empty Weight | |
F | ||
Abbreviation | Term | Note |
FAA | U.S. Department of Transportations’ Federal Aviation Administration | Organisation |
FADEC | full authority digital engine control | Engine equipment |
FAC | Flight Augmentation computer | Avionics |
FAF | final approach fix | |
FAF | [first available flight] | Airline operations |
FANS | future air navigation system | Avionics |
FAP | final approach point | |
FAP | forward attendant panel | Aircraft equipment |
FAR | Federal Aviation Regulation | FAA regulation |
FAR/AIM | Federal Aviation Regulation / | bundle of FAA regulations and Aeronautical Manual[9] |
Aeronautical Information Manual | ||
FAROS | final approach runway occupancy signal | |
FATO | final approach and take off | |
FB | Winds aloft | World Meteorological Organization abbrev. see also FD |
FBO | fixed-base operator | Airfield operations |
FBS | fixed base simulator | Flight crew training |
FBW | fly-by-wire | |
FC | flight crew | |
FCF | functional flight check | Check functionality after maintenance |
FCOM | flight crew operating manual | Aircraft operations |
FCTM | flight crew training manual | |
FCU | fuel control unit | In turbine engines |
FD | flight director | Avionics |
FD | upper winds and temperature forecast[1] | US and Canada abbrev. See also FB |
FDM | flight data monitoring | Operations planning |
FDR | flight data recorder (also known as black box) | Avionics |
FDTL | flight duty time limitations | |
FEP | final end point | |
FFDZ | free fall drop zone (parachutists) | |
FFS | full flight simulator | Flight crew training |
FIC | flight information centre | |
FIDO | Fog Investigation and Dispersal Operation | Airfield operations |
FIKI | Flight Into Known Icing | Aircraft operations |
FIR | flight information region | ATC |
FIS | Federal Inspection Services | |
FISE | flight information service enroute | |
FL | flight level | ATC |
FM | frequency modulation | Example: FM immunity |
FMA | flight mode annunciator | Equipment |
FMC | flight management computer (part of a FMS) | Avionics |
FMGC | flight Management and guidance computer | Avionics |
FMS | flight management system | Avionics |
F/O | First Officer | Flight crew |
FOD | foreign object damage | Airfield operations |
FOO | flight operation officer | Person |
FOQA | flight operational quality assurance | |
FPA | flight path angle | |
FPL | filed flight plan | ATC |
FPM | feet per minute | |
FSDO | Flight Standards District Office (FAA) | |
FSF | Flight Safety Foundation | Organisation |
FSIMS | Flight Standards Information Management System (FAA) | |
FSS | flight service station | |
FTD | flight training device | Flight crew training |
FTL | flight time limitations | |
FVU | flux valve unit | Equipment |
G | ||
Abbreviation | Term | Note |
GA | general aviation | |
G/A or GA | go-around | aborted landing procedure |
GBST | ground-based, software tool | airfield operations |
GCA | Ground-controlled approach | airfield operations |
GCU | generator control unit | |
GEA | Ground effect area | |
GLOC | g-induced loss of consciousness | “g” is acceleration relevant to the acceleration caused by gravity |
GM | guidance material (EASA) | |
GMM | general maintenance manual | |
GND | ground | airfield operations |
GP | glide path | see instrument landing system |
GPP | general practices and procedures | |
GPS | Global Positioning System | avionics |
GPU | Ground Power Unit | Aerospace Ground Equipment |
GPWS | ground proximity warning system | avionics |
G/S | glideslope | avionics |
GS | groundspeed | |
GSE | ground support equipment | aerospace ground equipment |
GUMPS | Gas, Undercarriage, Mixture, Propeller, Seat belts/Switches | mental checklist before landing |
H | ||
Abbreviation | Term | Note |
H | Heavy (in the context of wake turbulence categories) | |
H | High | |
HAT | Height Above Touchdown | |
HAZMAT | Hazardous Material | |
HBCS | High Bandwidth Connectivity System | |
HDG | Heading | Navigation |
HDI | Horizontal Deviation Indicator | |
HFE | Human Factors Engineering[10] | |
HFES | Human Factors and Ergonomics Society | |
HIGE | Hover In Ground Effect | |
HIRL | High Intensity Runway lighting | Airfield operations |
HIRO | High Intensity Runway Operation | Airfield operations |
HIRTA | High Intensity Radio Transmission Area | |
HIWAS | Hazardous Inflight Weather Advisory Service | |
HL | Height loss | |
HLD | hold | Maintain same altitude or speed or direction |
HMG | hydraulic motor generator | |
HMU | hydro-mechanical unit | In turbine engine |
HOGE | Hover Out of Ground Effect | Helicopter operations |
HPA | human-powered aircraft | Aircraft type |
HPC | high pressure compressor | In turbine engine |
HPT | high pressure turbine | In turbine engines |
HPTACC | high pressure turbine active clearance control | Mainly used in turbofan engines |
HSI | horizontal situation indicator | Avionics |
HUD | head-up display | Avionics |
HUM | Human Remains | |
HW | headwind | |
HYD | hydraulic | Aircraft equipment |
HYDIM | hydraulic interface module | |
I | ||
Abbreviation | Term | Note |
IB | Inboard | |
IAC | instrument approach chart | |
IAF | initial approach fix | |
IAP | instrument approach procedure | |
IAS | indicated airspeed | |
IATA | International Air Transport Association | |
ICA | Instructions for Continuous Airworthiness | |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization | |
ICAS | International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences | |
ICD | Interface Control Document | |
ICO | idle cut-off | |
ICTS | Ice Contaminated Tailplane Stall | |
IDG | integrated drive generator | Combination of a CSD and generator in a single case |
IDT | identify (XPDR) | |
IEPR | integrated engine pressure ratio | |
IETM | interactive electronic technical manual | |
IF | intermediate approach fix | |
IFA | International Federation of Airworthiness | |
IFATCA | International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Associations | |
IFE | In Flight Entertainment | |
IFP | instrument flight procedure | |
IFR | instrument flight rules | |
IFSD | in-flight shutdown | |
IGV | Inlet guide vane | |
ILS | instrument landing system | |
IMC | instrument meteorological conditions | |
IML | Inside Mold Line | |
IPC | Illustrated Parts Catalog (e.g. by Boeing, Airbus) | |
IR | Initial Release | |
IRS | inertial reference system | |
IRT | instrument rating test | |
IRVR | instrumented runway visual range | |
ISA | International Standard Atmosphere | |
ISFD | integrated standby flight display | |
ISIS | integrated standby instrument system | |
ITAR | International Traffic in Arms Regulations | |
ITT | interstage turbine temperature | |
J | ||
Abbreviation | Term | |
JAA | Joint Aviation Authorities | |
JAR | Joint Aviation Requirements | |
K | ||
Abbreviation | Term | |
KCAS | knots calibrated airspeed | |
KIAS | knots indicated airspeed | |
KRE | key risk element | |
KTAS | knots true airspeed | |
L | ||
Abbreviation | Term | Note |
L | Light | in the context of wake turbulence categories |
LAHSO | Land And Hold Short Operations | |
LAME | licensed aircraft maintenance engineer | |
LCC | low-cost carrier | |
LCG | load classification group | |
LCN | load classification number | |
LDA | landing distance available | |
LDA | localizer type directional aid | |
LHO | live human organs | |
LIR | Loading Instruction Report | |
LKP | last known position | |
LLC | Life Limited Component | |
LLP | Life Limited Part | EASA, ICAO |
LLZ | localizer (ILS) | |
LM | land and marine | |
LNAV | lateral navigation | |
LOA | letter of authorization | FAA |
LOC | loss of control; localizer | |
LOFT | line-oriented flight training | |
LOM | limitation of movement | |
LOM | locator outer marker | |
LOTC | loss of thrust control | |
LPC | low pressure compressor | In turbine engines |
LPT | low pressure turbine | |
LPTACC | low pressure turbine active clearance control | Mainly used in turbofan engines |
LPV | localizer performance with vertical guidance | |
LRC | long range cruise | |
LRU | line-replaceable unit | |
LSAP | loadable software aircraft part (EASA) | introduced in RMP for technical records |
LSAS | longitudinal stability augmentation system | |
LTC | line training captain | |
LTP | landing threshold point | |
LVP | low visibility procedures | |
LW | landing weight | |
LZ | landing zone | |
M | ||
Abbreviation | Term | |
M | medium (in the context of wake turbulence categories) | |
MAC | mean aerodynamic chord | |
MAC | mid-air collision | |
MAP | missed approach point or manifold absolute pressure | |
MATS | Manual of Air Traffic Services | |
MBC | Main Base Check | |
MCAS | Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System | |
MCC | Multi Crew Coordination | |
MCDU | multifunction control display unit | |
MCH | Manufacturer Certificate Holder (TCCA); see also PAH and POA | |
MCP | mode control panel | |
MCT | maximum continuous thrust | |
MCDU | multi control display unit | |
MDA | minimum descent altitude | |
MDDR | maintenance deferred defect record | |
MDH | minimum descent height | |
MDM | multi-disciplinary measure (EASA) | |
ME | Manufacturing Engineer | |
MEA | Minimum En-route Altitude | |
MEDEVAC | medical evacuation | |
MEF | maximum elevation figure | |
MMEL | master minimum equipment list | |
MEL | minimum equipment list | |
MEP | multi-engine piston | |
METAR | meteorological aerodrome report (METAR) | |
MFD | multi-function display | |
MFRA | minimum flap retraction altitude | |
MH | magnetic heading | |
ML | maintenance laptop | |
MLDW | maximum landing weight | |
MLG | Main Landing Gear | |
MLS | microwave landing system | |
MM | middle marker | |
MOCA | Minimum Obstacle Clearance Altitude | |
MOE | maintenance organisation exposition | |
MORA | Minimum Off Route Altitude | |
MP | manifold pressure | |
MPL | multi-crew pilot license | |
MRB | Material Review Board | |
MRO | maintenance, repair, overhaul | |
MRO | maintenance and repair organization | |
MROT | Minimum Runway Occupancy Time | |
MRP | Material Resources Planning | |
MRW | maximum ramp weight | |
MSA | minimum safe altitude / minimum sector altitude | |
MSDS | Material Safety Data Sheet | |
MSL | mean sea level | |
MSLW | Max. Structural Landing Weight | |
MSTOW | Max. Structural Take-off Weight | |
MTOW | maximum take-off weight | |
MSZFW | Max. Structural Zero Fuel Weight | |
MVA | Minimum Vectoring Altitude | |
MX | Maintenance | |
MZFW | maximum zero-fuel weight | |
N | ||
Abbreviation | Term | Note |
NADP | noise abatement departure procedure | |
NDB | non-directional beacon | |
NDT | non-destructive testing | |
NGS | nitrogen generation system | |
NHA | next higher assembly | |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology | |
NLG | nose landing gear | |
NLR | Netherlands Aerospace Research Centre | |
NNC | non-normal checklist | |
NORDO | no radio | |
NOTAM | notice to airmen | |
NOTAR | no tail rotor[2] | helicopter control system |
NPA | non-precision approach | |
NPA | notice of proposed amendment (EASA) | |
NPRM | notice of proposed rulemaking (FAA) | |
NRR | noise reduction rating | hearing protector attenuation |
NRTC | nonroutine task card | |
NTZ | no-transgression zone | |
N numbers (turbines) | ||
Abbreviation | Term | Note |
N | compressor speed[1] | N1, N2, etc. refers to specific compressor spool (in the order that air passes over them). |
Ng | gas generator speed[1] | |
Nh | high rotor speed[1] | |
Np | power turbine speed[1] | |
Nr | rotor speed (helicopters) | Np and Nr are typically shown on the same gauge with two needles, both expressed in percent, so that the pilot can tell if the power turbine is driving the rotor or if it is freewheeling. |
O | ||
Abbreviation | Term | |
OAT | outside air temperature | |
OBE | overcome by events | |
OBS | omni-bearing selector | |
OCA | obstacle clearance altitude | |
OCCM | on condition / condition monitored components | |
OCH | obstacle clearance height | |
OEI | one engine inoperative | |
OEM | original equipment manufacturer | |
OGV | outlet guide vane | |
OHM | overhaul manual | |
OIS | obstacle identification surface | |
OM | outer marker | |
OML | outer mold line | |
ONS | onboard network system | |
ONAT | Onboard Network Access Terminal | |
OTS | out of service | |
OPC | operational check | |
OPS/CHK | operational check | |
OW | operational weight | |
P PJA || Parachute Jumping Area | ||
Abbreviation | Term | |
P | (as a prefix:) prohibited airspace | |
PA | pressure altitude | |
PAH | production approval holder (FAA); see also POA and MCH | |
PANS-OPS | procedures for air navigation services – aircraft operations | |
PAOG | Pre Aircraft on Ground | |
PAPI | precision approach path indicator | |
PAR | precision approach radar | |
PATWAS | Pilot’s Automatic Telephone Weather Answering Service[4] | |
PAX | passenger | |
PBCS | performance-based communication and surveillance | |
PBD | place bearing distance (RNAV waypoint) | |
PBE | Protective Breathing Equipment | |
PBN | Performance-Based Navigation | |
PC | proficiency check | |
PCN | pavement classification number | |
PDA | performance degradation allowance | |
PDAS | public domain aeronautical software | |
PDG | procedure design gradient | |
PDM | pilot decision making | |
PDU | power drive unit (flap actuation) | |
PET | point of equal time | |
PF | pilot flying | |
PFAF | precision final approach fix | |
PFD | primary flight display | |
PIC | Pilot In Command | |
PICUS | Pilot In Command, under supervision[11] | |
PIO | Pilot Induced Oscillations | |
PIP | performance improvement package | |
PIREP | Pilot Report | |
PJE | Parachute jumping exercise | |
PM | pilot monitoring | |
PMA | Parts Manufacturer Approval | |
PMG | Permanent magnet generator | |
PN | part number (also P/N) | |
PNF | pilot not flying | |
PNR | Point of No Return | |
POA | Production Organisation Approval (EASA); see also PAH and MHC | |
POB | persons on board | |
POF | Principles Of Flight | |
POH | Pilot’s Operating Handbook | |
PPL | private pilot licence | |
PPR | prior permission required | |
PS | passenger step | |
PSR | point of safe return | |
PSR | power supply reset | |
PSR | primary surveillance radar | |
PSU | passenger service unit | |
PTCU | power transfer Control unit | |
PTF | permit to fly | |
PTT | push to talk | |
PYLD | payload | |
Q | ||
Abbreviation | Term | |
QAR | quick access recorder | |
QCM | quality and compliance monitoring | |
QEC | quick engine change | |
QFE | the Q-code for: Atmospheric pressure at aerodrome elevation (or at runway threshold) | |
QNE | the Q-code for pressure altitude | |
QNH | the Q-code for: Altimeter sub-scale setting to obtain elevation when on the ground, i.e. altitude above MSL | |
QRA | quick reaction alert | |
QRH | quick reference handbook | |
R | ||
Abbreviation | Term | Note |
R | (as a prefix:) restricted airspace | |
RA | radio altitude or radar altimeter | |
RA | resolution advisory (in the context of TCAS) | |
RAAS | Runway Awareness and Advisory System | |
RAAS | remote airport advisory service | |
RAIM | Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring | |
RAREPS | Weather Radar Reports[4] | Provided by Air Traffic Controllers |
RAS | rectified air speed | |
RA(T) | restricted area (temporary) | |
RAT | ram air turbine | |
RCO | remote communications outlet | |
RDH | reference datum height for ILS | |
REO | Repair engineering order | |
RFF | rescue and fire fighting | |
RFI | recreational flight instructor | |
RGB | reduction gear box | |
RIA | regulatory impact assessment (EASA) | |
RII | required inspection items | |
RMI | radio magnetic indicator | |
RMP | Radio Management Panel | |
RMT | rule making task (EASA) | |
RNAV | area navigation | |
RNP | required navigation performance | |
RPL | Recreational Pilot Licence | |
RPL | repetitive flight planning | |
RPT | regular public transport | |
RQR | Required | |
RSA | runway safety area | |
RSR | en-route surveillance radar | |
RT | radiotelephony | |
RTB | return to base | |
RTF | radiotelephony | |
RTL | rudder travel limiting | |
RTO | rejected take-off | |
RTOW | regulatory take-off weight | |
RVDT | rotary variable differential transformer | In a turbine engine |
RVR | runway visual range | |
RVSM | reduced vertical separation minima | |
RW | ramp weight | |
RWY | runway | |
S | ||
Abbreviation | Term | |
SAR | Surveillance Approach Radar | |
SAS | stability augmentation system | |
SAT | Saturated Air Temperature | |
SB | service bulletin | |
SC | special condition | |
SCAP | Standard Computerized Airplane Performance | |
SCCM | senior cabin crew member | |
SDF | Simplified directional facility | |
SEP | Safety and Emergency Procedures | |
SEP | single-engine piston | |
SESAR | Single European Sky ATM Research | |
SESMA | Special Event Search and Master Analysis | |
SFCC | Slat Flap Control Computer | |
SFO | Senior First Officer | |
SFOC | Special Flight Operating Certificate | |
SID | standard instrument departure | |
SIGMET | Significant Meteorological Information | |
SLPC | single lever power control | |
SM | service manual | |
SMM | safety management document (ICAO) | |
SMOH | Since major overhaul | |
SMR | surface movement radar | |
SMT | software maintenance tool | |
SN | serial number | |
SOC | start of climb at missed approach | |
SODPRO | simultaneous opposite direction parallel runway operations | |
SOG | speed over ground (same as ground speed) | |
SOP | standard operating procedure | |
SOW | Statement of Work | |
SR | sunrise | |
SRM | structural repair manual | |
SS | sunset | |
STAR | standard terminal arrival route | |
STC | supplemental type certificate | |
STOL | short take-off and landing[1] | |
STS | speed trim system | |
SVFR | Special visual flight rules | |
T | ||
Abbreviation | Term | Note |
TA | traffic advisory (see TCAS) | |
TAA | terminal arrival area | |
TAC | thrust asymmetry compensation | |
TACAN | tactical air navigation | |
TAF | terminal aerodrome forecast | |
TAI | thermal anti-ice | |
TAM | total airport management | |
TAR | terminal approach radar | |
TAS | true airspeed | |
TAT | total air temperature | |
TAWS | terrain awareness and warning system | |
TBO | time between overhauls | |
TBV | transient bleed valve | In turbine engines |
TC | towering cumulus | |
TC | turn coordinator | |
TC | True Course | |
TC | type certificate | |
TCA | terminal control area | |
TCAS | traffic collision avoidance system | |
TCCA | Transport Canada’s Civil Aviation | |
TCDS | type certificate data sheet | |
TCH | threshold crossing height | |
TCI | thrust computer indicator | |
TCU | terminal control unit | Air traffic control |
TDZ | touchdown zone | |
TERPS | terminal procedures | |
TFC | traffic | |
TFR | temporary flight restriction | Airspace |
TGB | transfer gearbox | |
TGL | temporary guidance leaflet | |
TGL(S) | touch-and-go landing(s) | |
THLD | threshold | |
TH | True Heading | |
THR | runway threshold | |
THS | trimmable horizontal stabilizer, see tailplane | |
TIT | turbine inlet temperature | |
TLD | time-limited dispatch | |
TLB | technical logbook (EASA) | |
TLS | transponder landing system | |
TMA | terminal manoeuvring area (Europe)/terminal control area (USA and Canada) | |
TMG | touring motor glider | |
TML | Toolbox Mobile Library (Boeing) | |
TMZ | transponder mandatory zone | |
TOC | Top of Climb (also known as T/C) | |
TOD | top of descent | |
TODA | take-off distance available | |
TO/GA | take-off/go around | |
TOP | take-off power | |
TOR | take-off runway | |
TORA | take-off runway available | |
TOW | take-off weight | |
TOWS | take-off warning system | |
TR | transformer rectifier | |
TR | thrust reversers | |
TP | turning point at missed approach | |
TRA | temporary reserved area (airspace) | |
TRACON | terminal radar approach control | |
TRE | type rating examiner | |
TRP | thrust rating panel | |
TSO | technical standard order[2] | FAA specification of quality standard. |
TTAF | total time air frame | |
TTSN | total time since new | |
TTSO | total time since overhaul | |
TWB | Transcribed Weather Broadcasts[4] | Abbreviated area forecast |
TWC | tail wind component | |
TWLU | Terminal Wireless LAN Unit | |
TWR | tower | |
TWY | taxiway | |
U | ||
Abbreviation | Term | Note |
UAS | Unmanned Aircraft System[12] | |
UAV | unmanned air vehicle | commonly called ‘drones’ |
UHF | ultra-high frequency | |
UIR | upper information region | |
UTC | Universal Time Coordinated | indicates time zones |
V | ||
Abbreviation | Term | Note |
V | magnetic variation | |
V&V | video & vision[13] | |
VASI | visual approach slope indicator | |
VBV | variable bleed valve | in turbine engines |
VCR | visual control room | |
VCS | vehicle control service | |
VDP | visual descent point | |
VFR | visual flight rules | |
VG | vortex generator | |
VGM | voice generator module | see AWOS |
VHF | very high frequency | |
VID | visible impact damage | |
VIGV | variable inlet guide vane | |
VMC | visual meteorological conditions | |
VNAV | vertical navigation | |
VNC | VFR navigation chart | |
VOR | VHF omni-directional range | |
VRS | vortex ring state | helicopter flight phenomenon |
VSCF | variable speed constant frequency | electricity generation system |
VSI | vertical speed indicator | |
VSV | variable stator vane | in a turbine engine |
VTA | VFR terminal area chart[1] | |
VTOL | vertical take-off and landing[1] | |
VVI | vertical velocity indicator | same as VSI |
V speeds | ||
Abbreviation | Term | |
V1 | speed at or above which takeoff cannot be safely interrupted | |
V2 | speed at or above which takeoff can be done with 1 engine out | |
Va | maneuvering speed | |
Vfe | maximum flaps extended speed | |
Vle | maximum landing gear extension speed | |
Vlo | maximum landing gear operating speed | |
Vlof | lift-off speed | |
Vmc | minimum control speed | |
Vmca | velocity of minimum control in the air | |
Vmcg | velocity of minimum control on ground | |
Vmo | maximum operating speed | |
Vne | never-exceed speed | |
Vno | normal operating speed limit | |
Vr | rotate speed | |
Vra | rough air speed | |
Vref | reference touchdown speed | |
Vs | stall speed | |
Vso | stall speed in landing configuration | |
Vx | best angle of climb speed | |
Vy | best rate of climb speed | |
W | ||
Abbreviation | Term | |
WAC | World Aeronautical Chart | |
WAT | weight, altitude, temperature: variables that affect takeoff performance | |
W&B | Weight & Balance | |
WCA | Wind Correction Angle | |
WDM | Wiring Diagram Manual | |
WEF | with effect from | |
WOCL | window of circadian low | |
WOFW | weight-off-wheels, indicates aircraft is off ground since lift off | |
WONW | weight-on-wheels, indicates aircraft is on ground since touch down | |
WS | wind shear | |
WTC | Wake Turbulence Category | |
Wx | weather[1] | |
X | ||
Abbreviation | Term | |
XC | cross-country[1] | |
XMIT | transmit | |
XPDR | transponder | |
XPNDR | transponder | |
Y | ||
Abbreviation | Term | |
Y | yaw or yaw angle | |
Y/D | yaw damper | |
Z | ||
Abbreviation | Term | |
Z | Zulu Time (UTC) | |
ZFT | zero-fuel time | |
ZFW | zero-fuel weight | |
ZULU | Zulu Time (UTC) |
IATA meal codes
IATA Cabin Operations Safety Best Practices defines the following standard meal codes:
AVML – Asian Vegetarian Meal
BBML – Baby Meal
BLML – Bland Meal
CHML – Child Meal
DBML – Diabetic Meal
FPML – Fruit Platter Meal
GFML – Gluten Intolerant Meal
HNML – Hindu Meal
KSML – Kosher Meal
LCML – Low-Calorie Meal
LSML – Low Sodium Meal
MOML – Muslim Meal
NLML – Non-Lactose Meal
RVML – Raw Vegetarian Meal
LFML – Low Fat Meal
SFML – Seafood Meal
VGML – Vegan Meal
VJML – Vegetarian Jain Meal
VLML – Vegetarian Lacto-ovo Meal
VOML – Vegetarian Oriental Meal
Codes used by other airlines include:
ALML – Allergen Meal
CLML – Celebration Cake Meal
HFML – High Fibre Meal
OBML – Japanese Obento Meal (on United Airlines[citation needed])
JPML – Japanese Meal (on Japan Airlines[citation needed])
JNML – Junior Meal
KSMLS – Kosher Meal (Snack)
NBML – No Beef Meal (on China Airlines[citation needed])
NFML – No Fish Meal (on Lufthansa[citation needed])
LPML – Low Protein Meal
PRML – Low Purin Meal
ORML – Oriental Meal
PFML – Peanut Free Meal
SPML – Special Meal, Specify Food