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Some of the features at Google are listed here. Click here to start searching. Almost every search engine needs a little fine-tuning. This guide explains how to enhance your Google search at You can also use some advanced operators at Google or check the advanced search options in google provided here.

When you use operators that fine-tune your keywords, your searches will be more accurate. This page includes options that can be entered directly into the Google search box or selected from Google’s advanced search page:

“+” Searches

The search engine ignores common words and characters, such as “and” and “is”, as well as single digits and single letters, since they slow down your search without improving it. You can include a common word by adding the “+” sign in front of it if it is essential for getting the results you want. Make sure the “+” sign is followed by a space. When searching for World War I, type “World War +I.”.

“-” Searches

When you search for something, it could have more than one meaning; for instance, “bass” could stand for fishing or music. If you don’t want certain words to appear in your results, you can use the minus symbol (without a space between them). You can find bass-related web pages with the keyword “music” by typing “bass-music” into the search box.

“OR” Searches

Use either a lowercase OR symbol or uppercase OR between keywords to retrieve pages containing multiple terms related to a main search term. Enter “vacation London OR Paris” to search for a vacation in either city.

Phrase Searches

Enter phrases in quotation marks to find complete phrases. Whenever you enter double-quotes (“as in this”), all results will include those exact words. Phrase searches are especially useful for finding famous sayings.

Category Searches

If you’re not sure exactly what searches to use, the Google Web Directory (at can serve as a good starting point. You can also exclude unwanted results from your search by using a directory. When searching the Google Web Directory for “Saturn” within the Science > Astronomy category, for example, all results pertain to the planet Saturn, whereas searching the Google Web Directory for “Saturn” within the Automotive category delivers only results regarding Saturn cars.

Domain Restrict Searches

Google can search only that domain if you know the website you want to search and don’t know where the information is located on that site. By entering “site” and a colon, followed by the domain name, you can find what you are looking for. Entering “form 1040” on the IRS website will lead you to the form.

Results in Other Languages or without Adult Content

Changing the language of the Google interface requires setting up your preferences. It is also here that you can choose the languages you wish to search in and whether you want to translate the results. You will be able to change the preferences until you turn them off in the preferences page. From selecting the number of results that will display for each search to filtering offensive content from your results, the preferences page can be very helpful for personalizing your search experience. The preferences page is available via a link on the Google home page or can be bookmarked at:

Here are the top advanced search options in google.

Search TypeDetailsExample
Exact matchPut your query inside quotation marks to search for an exact match.“edvnce blog”
BooleansBoolean operators will refine your search by combining or limiting terms. You can useAND (alternatively +), OR, and – operators in your search as well as their combinations.ssc AND “Notificationโ€
ssc OR “cgl”
ssc +cgl -chsl
By URLSearch for a string within the URL.inurl:ssc-notes
By siteLimit your search results to a specific website or domain. You can use a full domain name as well as a TLD alone. site: operator can be followed by multiple domains, separated by
By authorLimit your content search to a specific author. Can be used with exact matchโ€Edvnce”
By titleSearch across content titles.This advanced search operator is the alternative to โ€œIn titleโ€ mode that you can choose from a drop-down menu.title:”IBPS PO”
GroupingTerms can be grouped by using parenthesis.SSC CGL CUT OFF” (2016 OR 2017 OR 2018)
NotesSearch operators are case sensitive. OR is a search operator, while or is not.You can combine advanced search operators. Example:
intext: edvnce
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