current affairs quiz

Weekly Current Affairs Quiz Week 5, 2021

Here is the weekly current affairs quiz for the week 05 of 2021. Take the quiz to stay ahead in the fields of banking, finance, industry, sports, home affairs.

Recently, the license of Maharashtra-based Shivam Sahakari Bank has been canceled by the RBI. It has been canceled on which of the following ground?

A             Inadequacy of capital

B             Lack of earning prospects        

C             It operates in public interest

D            Only A and B  

E             All of the above

Recently, the National Statistical Office has released the First Revised Estimates. What is the estimated GDP at current prices for the year 2019-20?

A             ₹140.03 lakh crore      

B             ₹145.69 lakh crore      

C             ₹188.87 lakh crore      

D            203.51 lakh crore     

E             None of the above        

Recently, Arvind Joshi passed away. He was a renowned____________.

A             Politician          

B             Actor  

C             Cricketer          

D            Singer 

E             None of the above        

Which of the following state has been ranked 3rd in the India Justice Report 2020?

A            Telangana       

B             Tamil Nadu      

C             Punjab

D            Kerala

E             Maharashtra  

Scheduled Commercial Banks are included under which schedule of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934?

A             Third   

B             First    

C             Second

D            Fourth

E             Fifth    

Which of the following state has recently launched a new phase of the Ayushman Bharat Mahatma Gandhi Health Insurance Scheme in which health insurance coverage has been increased from 3 lakh 30 thousand rupees to 5 lakh rupees annually?

A             Gujarat              

B             Rajasthan        

C             Andhra Pradesh            

D            Madhya Pradesh          

E             Both A and B   

Recently, the President of India has launched the Pulse Polio Programme for 2021. Under it, children of less than _______ years of age will be given polio drops to sustain polio free status of the country.

A             3            

B             5            

C             7            

D            9            

E             14

Who among the following has been appointed as the new MD & CEO of SBI Card?

A             Ram Mohan Rao Amara            

B             Rama Mohan Rao Amara        

C             Raman Mohan Rao Amara       

D            Rana Mohan Rao Amara           

E             Ramana Mohan Rao Amara

What is a loan that a government makes to a foreign borrower in exchange for the promise that the borrower will use the loan to purchase goods from the lender’s country?

A             Cash Advances              

B             Tied Loans       

C             Line of Credit  

D            Bridge Loan     

E             Cash Flow Financing  

The minimum Net owned Fund by an NBFC as a prerequisite to be registered with RBI is _____.

A            200 Lakhs    

B             ₹ 250 Lakhs     

C             ₹ 300 Lakhs     

D            ₹ 100 Lakhs     

E             ₹ 400 Lakhs     

Which of the following regulates the money market in India?

A            RBI       

B             NITI Aayog      

C             SEBI    

D            IRDAI 

E             Ministry of Finance     

Which metro has become the first metro to use UV rays to sanitize train coaches?

A             Delhi Metro     

B             Mumbai Metro              

C             Lucknow Metro           

D            Kolkata Metro

E             Chennai Metro

Which of the following state has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Amazon India to help MSMEs export goods?

A             Punjab

B             Haryana            

C             Karnataka       

D            Andhra Pradesh            

E             Telangana        

Which of the following institute has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Central Reserve Police Force to undertake a pilot project on domestic empowerment?

A             IIM, Kozhikode              

B             IIM, Lucknow 

C             IIM, Indore       

D            IIM, Shillong    

E             IIM, Bangalore

_______ is a protectionist tariff that a domestic government imposes on imports that it believes are priced below fair market value.

A             Customer Duty              

B             Dumping Duty

C             Surcharge         

D            Anti – Dumping Duty

E             None of the Above

Recently, a reference material has been synthesised to strengthen anti-doping measures in all World Anti-Doping Agency accredited labs. The headquarters of the World Anti-Doping Agency is located at:

A             Switzerland     

B             Rome  

C             The U.S.              

D            Canada              

E             India

Globally, World Leprosy Day is observed on:

A             Last Saturday of January         

B             31st January  

C             30th January  

D            Last Sunday of January            

E             None of the above        

Which of the following types of banking offers all kinds of financial services like banking, insurance, mutual funds, etc.?

A             Comprehensive Banking          

B             Universal Banking      

C             Complete Banking       

D            Unlimited Banking       

E             Unrestricted Banking

The only sector expected to grow this year according to the Economic survey 2020-21 is the agriculture sector which is expected to grow by _______%.

A             3.2        

B             3.4        

C             3.6        

D            3.8        

E             4.0        

What is the minimum tenure of an FCNR account?

A             Two Years        

B             Six Months       

C             Three Months

D            Seven Days      

E             One Year          

Which of the following refers to a claim against assets that are typically used as collateral to satisfy a debt?

A             Pledge

B             Hypothecation

C             Mortgage         

D            Lien     

E             None of these

Recently, the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research has signed an MoU for S&T-led Development of which Union Territory / State?

A             Jammu and Kashmir   

B             Nagaland          

C             Ladakh

D            Sikkim

E             Both A and C   

Where is the headquarters of the Export-Import Bank of India?

A            Mumbai            

B             New Delhi        

C             Kolkata              

D            Allahabad         

E             Chennai             

As per the Economic Survey, what is the projected Nominal GDP for FY 2021-22?

A             11%     

B             12.4% 

C             15%     

D            15.4% 

E             11.4% 

Recently, India has signed a $500 million STARS Programme along with which of the following organization to improve the quality & governance of school education?

A             International Monetary Fund

B             New Development Bank          

C             Asian Development Bank        

D            World Bank    

E             Both A and D   

“Upskilling for Shared Prosperity” Report 2021 is published by?

A             World Bank     

B             World Economic Forum          

C             International Monetary Fund

D            World Trade Organization      

E             International Labour Organization

The Government of India is planning to introduce The Cryptocurrency and Regulation of Official Digital Currency Bill, 2021. Which of the following statement regarding Cryptocurrency is true?

A             A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that is secured by cryptography.     

B             It is nearly impossible to counterfeit or double-spend the cryptocurrency.   

C             Cryptocurrency is generally not issued by any central authority.       

D            Only A and C   

E             All of the above

As per Economic Survey 2020-21, India almost ________ its share in world pharma exports in a span of ten years,2010 to 2019.

A             tripled

B             doubled            

C             quadrupled      

D            halved

E             None of these 

As per the Economic Survey of India, India’s insurance penetration is classified under which of the following category?

A             Extremely Poor             

B             Extremely Low             

C             Below Average              

D            Lowest

E             None of the above

Aatmanirbhar Bharat Rojgar Yojana (ABRY): ABRY, a component of Aatmanirbhar Bharat 3.0 package announced in November, 2020 has total estimated outlay of ` _______ crore for the scheme period i.e., up to wage month 31st May, 2023.

A             11,810

B             42,810

C             22,810

D            52,810

E             32,810

Recently, the Economic Survey of India stated that India is to have a Current Account Surplus of 2 percent of GDP in the financial year 2021. Which of the following statement best defines the term current account deficit?

A            It is a measurement of a country’s trade where the value of the goods and services it imports exceeds the value of the products it exports. 

B             It represents the balance of payments for a country and keeps track of the net change in a nation’s assets and liabilities during a year.      

C             It is a statement of all transactions made between entities in one country and the rest of the world over a defined period of time, such as a quarter or a year.  

D            Only B and C are correct          

E             All of the above

India and Japan recently held ________ joint meeting of Act East Forum.

A             3rd       

B             4th       

C             5th       

D            6th       

E             2nd       

Who was appointed as new vice-chief of Army staff recently?

A            Lt General C P Mohanty          

B             Vice-Admiral Naveen Chawla

C             Lt General SK Saini      

D            Major SK Saini

E             None of the above        

Which state automated pension payments using Navodaya app recently?

A             Maharashtra  

B             Uttar Pradesh

C             West Bengal   

D            Gujarat              

E             Karnataka

Which of the following does not come under the classification of Commercial Banks?

A            Payments Bank            

B             Public Sector Banks    

C             Foreign Banks

D            Private Sector Banks  

E             All of the above

Shaibal Gupta who passed away recently played a role in the economic policies of which state in India?

A             West Bengal   

B             Bihar   

C             Odisha

D            Uttar Pradesh

E             Madhya Pradesh

Which state won the best tableau award at the Republic Day Parade?

A             Tripura

B             Uttar Pradesh

C             Kerala

D            Uttarakhand   

E             Tamil Nadu      

What was the rank of India in Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index 2020?

A             85th    

B             84th    

C             86th    

D            88th    

E             80th

According to guidelines by RBI, Housing Finance Companies should have to deploy how much percent of their net assets for providing finance for housing?

A             99%     

B             49%     

C             51%     

D            60%     

E             55%     

Which bank partnered with CSC to launch EMI collection service for business correspondents recently?

A             Axis Bank         

B             ICICI Bank       

C             SBI       

D            HDFC Bank     

E             Bank of Baroda

US food major Cargill collaborated with UN World Food Programme & CRB to launch nutrition program in which Indian state/UT recently?

A             Haryana            

B             Bihar   

C             Rajasthan        

D            Assam

E             New Delhi        

Reliance Jio was __________ strongest brand globally as per the 2021 Brand Finance’s Global 500 ranking.

A            5th       

B             4th       

C             6th       

D            7th       

E             3rd       

Which of the following statement is INCORRECT about the Central Board of RBI?

A             The RBI Central Board constitutes 21 members including the Governor and maximum of four deputy governors.        

B             The political executive chooses part-time and non-official directors.

C             The Department of Financial Services under the Finance Ministry proposes the appointment of the Central Boar   

D            The board is required to meet a maximum of only four times a year.              

E             All the above statements are correct.

________________,who passed away recently, was the last surviving member of J&K’s constituent assembly.

A             K B Sethi           

B             K T Sethi            

C             K S Sethi            

D            K D Sethi          

E             K P Sethi           

What was India’s rank on coronavirus performance index by the Australia-based Lowy Institute?

A             85         

B             86         

C             87         

D            98         

E             95

What is the joint initiative launched recently by India and France to boost ties in sustainable development, environment protection called?

A            Indo-French Year of the Environment

B             Indo-French Year of the Biodiversity Conservation   

C             Indo-French Year of the Sustainable Development    

D            Indo-French Year of the Renewable Energies

E             Indo-French Year of the Energy Efficiency     

Which of the following sections of the RBI Act empowers the government to give directions to RBI on matters of public interest?

A             Section 19        

B             Section 17        

C             Section 4           

D            Section 13        

E             Section 7

India announced pledge of how much to UN peacebuilding fund recently?

A             $110,000         

B             $105,000         

C             $150,000         

D            $125,000         

E             $100,000         

Swaminathan Janakiraman and Aswini Kumar Tewari were appointed as SBI MDs recently. How many MDs does SBI have traditionally?

A             3            

B             4            

C             5            

D            2            

E             No strict numbers.       

TCS brand value rose by $1.4 billion in 2020 as per Brand Finance ‘IT Services 25 2021′ report. Who is the CEO of TCS?

A            Rajesh Gopinathan     

B             Natarajan Chandrasekaran    

C             Cyrus Mistry  

D            Ratan Tata       

E             None of the above        

Which of the following statement about the Principle of Indemnity is correct?

A            It’s an assurance to restore the same position which was there before the loss.      

B             It means the subject matter of the contract must provide some financial gain by existing for the insured.               

C             The insurer and the insured must provide clear and concise information regarding the terms and conditions of the contract.       

D            When a loss if caused by more than one causes then the nearest or the closest cause should be taken into consideration.       

E             None of the above

India inked MoU with International Energy Agency(IEA) for global energy security, stability and sustainability. Who is the head of IEA?

A             Dave Turk        

B             Hiroshi Oe        

C             Jawed Ashraf 

D            Jean Baptiste Dubreuil              

E             None of the above      

With which country did India launch Green Strategic Partnership recently?

A             Norway             

B             Sweden              

C             Germany           

D            Japan  

E             Denmark          

Who among the following launched ‘Krishi Sakha’ app for farmers?

A             SBI       

B             Bharti AXA General   

C             Bank of Baroda              

D            Karnataka Grameen Vikas Bank          

E             Axis Bank

Open Market Operations refers to the buying and selling of bonds issued by the Government in the open market. Which of the following are the two types of open market operations?

A             Outright and Forward

B             Reverse repurchase agreement and Repurchase agreement

C             Outright and Repurchase agreement

D            Forward and backward             

E             None of the above        

According to FICCI’s latest Economic Outlook Survey, India’s GDP is to contract by _______ in 2020-21.

A            8%        

B             8.2%    

C             8.3%    

D            8.4%    

E             8.1%    

With a firm from which country did Textiles Committee of Ministry of Textiles sign MoU recently?

A             France

B             Australia           

C             Portugal            

D            China  

E             Japan 

In which state was the India’s longest road arch bridge inaugurated recently?

A             Sikkim

B             Meghalaya      

C             Manipur            

D            Tripura

E             Nagaland          

Negative relationship between price of a commodity and quantity demanded which is referred to as the_________________.

A            Law of Demand            

B             Law of Supply 

C             Law of Consumer          

D            Law of Marginal Demand         

E             Law of Supplier              

Which city launched a boat library recently?

A             Mumbai             

B             Kochi   

C             Chennai             

D            Kolkata             

E             Lucknow

How much did centre release recently as the second instalment of basic grants for Rural Local Bodies?

A             Rs 18,199 crore            

B             Rs 12,351 crore            

C             Rs 15,187.50 crore     

D            Rs 45,738 crore            

E             Rs.20,210 crore

Which PSU became the first to monetise assets through the InvIT model recently?

A             IndiGrid             

B             National Thermal Power Corporation

C             National Highway Authority of India 

D            Power Grid Corporation of India        

E             Steel Authority of India Limited

Which of the following is a network security system that monitors and controls overall incoming and outgoing network traffic?

A             Bridge

B             Gateway           

C             Repeater          

D            Firewall             

E             Switch

What is the projected growth rate for India in 2021 by IMF in its latest World Economic Outlook Update?

A             11.2% 

B             11.4% 

C             11.5% 

D            10.5% 

E             10.4% 

Which bank inaugurated its International Banking Unit at GIFT city recently?

A             DBS Bank         

B             HSBC Bank      

C             RBS Bank          

D            Bank of America            

E             Citi Bank           

What is the theme of 2021 Holocaust Remembrance Day ?

A            Facing the Aftermath: Recovery and Reconstitution after the Holocaust   

B             Communities together: build a bridge

C             Survivors, liberation and rebuilding lives         

D            No Child’s Play – Remembrance and Beyond 

E             A story of humanity: the rescue of Jews in Albania     

Janet Yellen became America’s first woman _______________ recently.

A             chairman of the upper chambers          

B             director of National Intelligence          

C             treasury secretary      

D            defense secretary        

E             None of the above        

Shivan J K got approval as managing director and CEO of which of the following bank recently?

A             Indian Bank     

B             Federal Bank  

C             Dhanlaxmi Bank          

D            CSB Bank          

E             Karur Vysya Bank

Union Minister Nirmala Sitharaman opened NCLAT Chennai Bench recently. Fresh appeals from which state does not come under this benchs’ jurisdiction?

A             Karnataka        

B             Tamil Nadu      

C             Lakshadweep 

D            Puducherry      

E             Andaman and Nicobar              

Which of the following statement is INCORRECT about BASEL norms?

A             Basel Norms are international banking regulations issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS).    

B             It comprises 45 members consisting of Central Banks and authorities currently.       

C             India is NOT a member of BSBS.          

D            Basel norms is an effort to coordinate banking regulations across the globe with the goal of strengthening the international banking system.        

E             Basel norms get the name from the location of its administrative office in Basel,Switzerland.             

Which of the following issues is given by the firm to its existing shareholders to buy additional new shares?

A             Public Issue     

B             Private Placement       

C             Preferential Issue        

D            Qualified Institutional Placement        

E             Rights Issue    

Prasanta Dora who passed away recently is associated with which sport?

A             Cricket

B             Chess  

C             Hockey              

D            Football            

E             Badminton       

Which state/UT recently became the first to have 2 expressway airstrips for fighter planes?

A             Maharashtra  

B             New Delhi        

C             Uttar Pradesh

D            Punjab

E             Karnataka        

Which bank won women leader of the year award at the Frontiers In Cooperative Banking Awards 2020 recently?

A             KVB     

B             Bandhan Bank

C             Indian Bank     

D            Repco Bank    

E             Canara Bank   

Which of the following is the keyboard shortcut to ‘Print Preview’ an MS Word Document?

A             Ctrl + P               

B             Ctrl + Alt + P    

C             Alt + P 

D            Ctrl + F2            

E             Ctrl + F5            

According to Germanwatch’s Global Climate Risk Index 2021,what is the rank of India?

A            7th       

B             4th       

C             5th       

D            3rd       

E             6th       

Which state launched jail tourism initiative to help students learn about historical experiences?

A             Odisha

B             Maharashtra  

C             Tamil Nadu      

D            West Bengal   

E             Andhra Pradesh

Which of the following is a cloud computing service created by Microsoft?

A             Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) 

B             Google App Engine      

C             Blue Cloud        

D            Azure 

E             None of these 

Birds of the Sundarban Biosphere Reserve report was published recently by Zoological Survey of India. How many species of birds were recorded in Sundarbans?

A            428      

B             427      

C             426      

D            425      

E             424

International Customs Day instituted by World Customs Organization is celebrated on January 26 every year. Where is World Customs Organization headquartered?

A             New York          

B             Brussels            

C             Geneva              

D            Paris    

E             The Hague

Kaja Kallas is to become Estonia’s first female prime minister. What is the capital of Estonia?

A            Tallinn

B             Tartu   

C             Narva 

D            Parnu  

E             Viljandi              

DRDO Conducted Successful Maiden Launch Of Akash-NG Missile recently.What kind of missile is Akash-NG?

A             Air-to-air          

B             Surface-to-surface      

C             Anti-tank          

D            Surface-to-air

E             Anti-satellite  

Burgula Narsing Rao who passed away recently was associated with which political party?

A            CPI       

B             BJP      

C             Congress          

D            Telugu Desam Party   

E             Jana Sena Party

Who won the TS Eliot poetry prize 2020 for poetry collection titled ‘How to Wash a Heart’?

A             Roger Robinson             

B             Bhanu Kapil    

C             Ocean Vuong  

D            Hannah Sullivan            

E             Sinéad Morrissey

Who was appointed as new chairman of Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology recently?

A             Dr. A.S.Ramasastri      

B             Dilip Asbe         

C             D.Janakiram   

D            Rajkiran Rai    

E             T N Manoharan

Which film won the ICFT UNESCO Gandhi Award at 51st International Film Festival of India?

A             Into the Darkness        

B             The Silent Forest          

C             I Never Cry      

D            200 Meters     

E             February           

Which of the following refers to a claim against assets that are typically used as collateral to satisfy a debt?

A             Pledge

B             Hypothecation

C             Mortgage         

D            Lien     

E             None of these 

According to World Economic Situation and Prospects 2021 report of UNDESA, Indian economy is projected to grow at _______ in 2021.

A             9.6%    

B             9.9%    

C             8.5%    

D            7.8%    

E             7.3%    

Which among the following term represents a mutual fund’s per share market value?

A             Gross market value     

B             Net market value         

C             Gross market prize      

D            Share per fund

E             Net asset value

Which institute of CSIR unveiled ‘Aqua Rejuvenation Plant’,which facilitates an Organic Farming Model through treated wastewater?

A             CSIR-North – East Institute of Science and Technology(CSIR-NEIST), Jorhat

B             CSIR-National Institute For Interdisciplinary Science and Technology(CSIR-NIIST),Thiruvananthapuram  

C             CSIR Madras Complex(CSIR-CMC),Chennai 

D            CSIR-Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute(CSIR-CMERI), Durgapur             

E             CSIR-Advanced Materials and

Processes Research Institute (CSIR-AMPRI), Bhopal

_____________ is an economic concept which states that inflation and unemployment have a stable and inverse relationship.

A             Kuznets Curve

B             Laffer Curve    

C             Phillip Curve  

D            Lorenz Curve  

E             Engel Curve     

Vice president M Venkaiah Naidu inaugurated the integrated weapons system design centre at DRDO’s Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Missile Complex recently. Where is it located?

A             Bengaluru        

B             Chennai             

C             Hyderabad      

D            New Delhi        

E             Balasore

 ______ is an extra liability insurance coverage that goes beyond the limits of the insured’s home, auto or watercraft insurance.

A             Valued policy  

B             Occurrence policy        

C             Umbrella insurance policy     

D            Package policy

E             Participating policy

Infosys, TCS, Cognizant joined a global coalition launched by which of the following organisation to tackle workplace racism?

A            WEF    

B             UN        

C             Amnesty           

D            Human Rights Watch 

E             None of the above        

Union Education Minister inaugurated Agri-Food Techathon to promote Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship recently. It is organised by which of the following IIT?

A             Kanpur

B             Delhi   

C             Bombay             

D            Chennai             

E             None of the above

Who launched ‘Guaranteed Income4Life’ ,a non-linked, non-par individual life insurance savings cum protection plan?

A             Aviva Life Insurance   

B             Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance             

C             Bharti AXA Life Insurance       

D            IndiaFirst Life Insurance          

E             Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa won second term as Portugal’s President recently. What is the currency of Portugal?

A             Escudo

B             Euro    

C             Bitcoin

D            Peseta

E             Dollar 

Narendra Luther who passed away recently, chronicled the history of which Indian city?

A             Ahmedabad     

B             New Delhi        

C             Kolkata              

D            Hyderabad      

E             Chennai

Which of the following bank recently tied up with NABFOUNDATION to provide working capital to all Self Help Groups undertaking My Pad My Right Project?

A             State Bank of India      

B             Union Bank of India     

C             Central Bank of India

D            South Indian Bank        

E             Canara Bank

Elon Musk’s SpaceX created new world record by launching 143 satellites on single rocket. India held the record previously by deploying how many satellites?

A            104      

B             103      

C             102      

D            101      

E             100      

SAIL is planning to set up India’s first gas-to-ethanol plant in Chandrapur. What is the estimated cost of the plant?

A             Rs.300 crore   

B             Rs.200 crore   

C             Rs.500 crore   

D            Rs.400 crore   

E             Rs.250 crore   

The virus that could fool a user to download and execute them by pretending to be a useful application is named as?

A             Direct Action Virus      

B             File Infector Virus        

C             Multipartite Virus        

D            Trojan Horse Virus     

E             Polymorphic Virus       

When is the National Tourism Day celebrated?

A            January 25      

B             January 24       

C             January 23       

D            January 22       

E             January 21

Who is the author of “The Population Myth: Islam, Family Planning and Politics in India” book?

A             Kaushal Kumar              

B             S. Y. Quraishi 

C             Krishnamurthy Srinivasan       

D            Tim Dyson        

E             P. K. Majumdar

The ______ is a required period of time in which a new life insurance policy owner can terminate the policy without penalties.

A             Policy Tenure 

B             Deferment Period        

C             Waiting Period              

D            Vesting period

E             Free look period          

Who was announced as the new chairman of IDBI Intech, a wholly-owned subsidiary of IDBI Bank Ltd?

A            Suresh Khatanhar       

B             Subhash Khatanhar     

C             Shivesh Khatanhar      

D            Shiv Khatanhar              

E             Sairam Khatanhar        

Which state launched ‘PANKH Abhiyan’ on National Girl Child Day recently?

A             Odisha

B             Uttar Pradesh

C             Madhya Pradesh         

D            West Bengal   

E             Himachal Pradesh

What is the Cash Reserve Ratio?

A             The share of net demand and time liabilities that banks hold with themselves as part of their cash reserves.           

B             The share of net demand and time liabilities that banks hold as balances with the RBI.       

C             The share of net demand and time liabilities that banks hold as liquid assets.

D            The ratio of cash reserves to the total assets of the bank.       

E             None of these 

Who was recently awarded the ‘Nelson Mandela’ World Humanitarian Award?

A             Rishabh Gaikwad         

B             Ravi Gaikwad

C             Ranjit Gaikwad              

D            Rakesh Gaikwad           

E             Raman Gaikwad           

Which of the following statement(s) are true about Small Finance Bank?

A             Small Finance banks are not required to maintain CRR and SLR.         

B             Small Finance Bank can disburse loan up to rupees 1 crore.   

C             Bank will be required to extend 75 per cent of its Adjusted Net Bank Credit (ANBC) to the sectors eligible for classification as priority sector lending (PSL) by RBI.         

D            Residents having at least 10 years of experience and banking at a senior level are eligible to set up a small finance bank.      

E             Both C and D. 

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