manchester of india

Manchester of India | Ahmadabad, Gujarat

Ahmedabad, a city full of centuries-old history, tradition, and some amazing wonders, Ahmedabad really deserves to be called the Manchester of India

Ahmedabad is known as the ‘ Manchester of India ‘ due to its popular textile industry. The first mill established here was in 1861. Ahmedabad is located in the state of Gujarat, which is on the edge of the sea and is considered to be the highest place for trade. Ahmedabad is also known as the Manchester of East due to the fact that this Indian city was the epicenter of the textile industry of the British Indian Empire in the 19th and 20th centuries.

What makes Ahmedabad the Manchester of India?

The city of Manchester is located in England and is known for its clothing industry. This is one of the biggest textile hubs in Europe. In recognition of the similarities between the textile industries of Ahmedabad and Manchester, a textile center in Manchester, Great Britain, gave this city its name. Ahmedabad has been dubbed the Manchester of India for three reasons.

1. The location 

Ahmedabad is in a cotton-growing area. The mills have access to raw cotton in abundance, so it is always available. Furthermore, skilled and unskilled laborers from the surrounding areas are plentiful. Last but not least, rich merchants in Gujarat are offering money to establish a textile industry. 

It is easy to transport goods from Ahmedabad to every other part of the world because Ahmedabad has good connections to major cities. The power supply in Ahmedabad is sufficient. This has led to its becoming one of the world’s leading cotton-producing states.

2. The Culture

Ahmedabad is also known as the Manchester of India due to its rich culture. This city is known for its people, one of the few reasons to fall in love with it. There is great pomp and pageantry surrounding all the festivals here, as well as nicely decorated streets. 

People are shaped by their culture by how they respect their customs and traditions. People go around cities during festivals in a well-prepared manner. Culture is a very important part of Ahmedabad, so people are very enthusiastic about it. 

Every occasion is celebrated enthusiastically by people in this city. It is evident that they are happy all the time. You will find bright and colorful outfits when you arrive in Ahmedabad.

3. The Textile Mills 

Ahmedabad has been described as the Manchester of India by two prominent Indian industrialists, Ambalal Sarabhai and Kasturbhai Lalbhai. A cotton textile mill founded in 1861, Shahpur Mill is the first mill of its kind. Businessmen were inspired when it finally came to fruition and invested in textile mills in Ahmedabad. 

As time went on, 33 mills were established in the city, and Ahmedabad began to supply cotton fabrics throughout the country. By the end of the 20th century, about thirty-three mills were running due to the efforts of many businessmen who followed the footsteps of their parents. The Calico Textile Museum is a must-visit place; it displays the artistic skills of Indian artists. The museum is considered one of the most famous textile museums worldwide.

History of Manchester of East

Here’s a brief history of Manchester of India, and the events that led to its infamy. 

Chalukya Dynasty – Manchester of India has a rich history. Areas around this town were known as ‘Ashapalli’ in the 11th century. It has been ruled by many rulers over the years, including one in Ahmedabad. The ruler of that time was King Karna of the Chalukya dynasty. During the battle on the banks of Sabarmati, Karna captured Karnavati. In the later days, it was captured by the ‘Vaghela Dynasty’.

Mughal Dynasty – Sultan Ahmed Shah changed the name of the city from ‘Karnavati’ to ‘Ahmedabad’ in 1411. At one time, Ahmedabad was the capital of the entire eastern region of the river. Ahmedabad became a major commercial hub under Akbar when the Mughal dynasty ruled the nation in 1573. 

British rule – After the Mughals came the Marathas, and the British eventually annexed the country in 1818. Ahmedabad grew in importance due to its railway connection with Bombay, and it became an important textile center. After Indian independence, Ahmedabad saw several movements that led to the establishment of two ashrams named Sabarmati and Kochab during British rule. It still stands proud and remains a major center of education, chemicals, and textiles despite being subject to various forms of governance, freedom struggle, and communal riots. 

Manchester of England vs. Manchester of India

Why did Ahmedabad become known as the Manchester of India? 

  • There are many cotton mills in Manchester of England, whereas in Ahmedabad, India, there is a cotton textile industry that has stood until the end of the 20th century.
  • Secondly, Ahmedabad is located on the banks of the Sabarmati river, which contributes to the easy drying of cotton yarn there, whereas Manchester is on the Mersey river, which also contributes to the easy drying of cotton yarn there.
  • The two cities have similar temperatures, making cotton yarn spinning ideal in both. Ahmedabad also benefits from a climate that helps the cultivation of cotton.
  • Currently, Ahmedabad is the leading manufacturer of cotton textiles. A city with the oldest textile mills in the country, the city has earned the title ‘Manchester of India’ due to the quality of the textiles they offer.

Final Thoughts

Ahmedabad is known as the “Manchester City India” or the โ€œManchester of Eastโ€ is in the state of Gujarat. We hope reading this article made you proud to be an Indian as well.  

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