JNVST 2021 Exam Date Announced 11th August

Aviation Abbreviations – ICAO, BCAS, DGCA, IATA, FAA, AERA, AAI, AI, ACI, ATC, ATM, ATS, IAF, IATA

Check out the aviation related abbreviation like icao, bcas, dgca, iata, faa. aera, aai, ai, aci, atc, atm, ats, iaf, iata. and more in this blog. You need to know all popular abbreviations and acronyms used for airline, airport or airline classes for the AAI AO, ATC Recruitment Exan scheduled on 26th March 2021. This blog will help you learn and understand all the famous terminologies used in Aviation that you must know as a frequent air travel and aviation in general.

ICAO – International Civil Aviation Organization

BCAS – Bureau of Civil Aviation Security

DGCA – Director General of Civil Aviation of ECAC Member States

IATA – International Air Transport Association

FAA – Federal Aviation Administration

AERA – Airports Economic Regulatory Authority of India

AAI – Airports Authority of India, Arrival Aircraft Interval

AI – Air India

ACI – Airports Council International

ATC – Air Traffic Control

ATM – Air Traffic Management

ATS – Air Traffic Service

IAF – Indian Air Force

IATA – International Air Transport Association

More Full Forms related to Aviation

  • One Way: OW
  • Round Trip: RT
  • Aircraft: A/X
  • Airway Facilities: AF
  • PNR: Passenger Name Record
  • Change Name To: CHNT
  • Estimated Time of Arrival: ETA
  • Estimated Time of Arrival: ETD
  • No Show: NOSH
  • Reconfirm: RDFM
  • Space Available: SPAV
  • Special Service Request: SSR
  • Ticket: TKT
  • Wheel Chair: WCHR
  • Full Fare First Class: F OR P
  • Full Fare Business Class: J OR C
  • Premium Economy: W
  • Economy Class: Y
  • American Airlines INC.: AA
  • Air Canada: AC
  • Air France: AF
  • Air China: CA
  • Air Newzealand: NZ
  • Alitalia: AZ
  • British Airways: BA
  • Cathay Pacific Airways: CX
  • Delta Airlines: DL
  • Egyptair: MS
  • Etihad Airways: EY
  • Emirates: EK
  • Finnair: AY
  • Japan Airlines: JL
  • KLM Royal Dutch airlines: KL
  • Kuwait Airways
  • Lufthansa: LH
  • Malaysia Airlines: MH
  • Qantas Airways: QF
  • Srilankan Airlines: UL
  • Singapore Airlines: SQ
  • Swiss International Airlines: LX
  • Thai Airways: TG
  • Turkish Airlines: TK
  • Thai Airways: THA
  • United Airlines: UA
  • Virgin Atlantic: VS
  • Air India: AI
  • Vistara: UK
  • IndiGo: 6E
  • GoAir: G8
  • Air India Express: IX
  • SpiceJet: SG
  • AirAsia India: I5
A/AAir to air TACAN function
A/FDAirport/Facility Directory
AAEabove aerodrome elevation[1]In aviation, above aerodrome level (AAL), or above aerodrome elevation (AAE), denotes that an altitude is given above the nearest aerodrome or airport.
AAIBAir Accidents Investigation BranchUnited Kingdom
AAIMAircraft Autonomous Integrity Monitoring
AAOassumed adverse obstacle
AASairport advisory service[1]
ACadvisory circular[2]Information and guidance publication
ACAMaircraft continuous airworthiness monitoring
ACARSAircraft Communication and Addressing Reporting System
ACASairborne collision avoidance system
ACCarea control centre[1]
ACCactive clearance controlTurbine engine system
ACCAccessoryIn gas turbine engine
ACEActuator control electronics
ACIAirports Council International
ACMair cycle machinePart of A/C air conditioning system
ACMSaircraft condition monitoring system
ACPAudio Control Panel
ACRAvionic Communication Router
ACS1Airman Certification Standards[3]FAA pilot testing
ACS2Audio control system
ACU1air condition unit
ACU2alternator control unit[2]Protection from alternator over-voltage.
ADairworthiness directive
ADAadvisory area
ADAHRSair data attitude heading reference system
ADCair data computer
ADDacceptable deferred defect
ADFautomatic direction finderNavigation equipment
ADIAttitude Director Indicator
ADIRSAir Data Inertial Reference System
ADIRUAir Data Inertial Reference Unit
ADIZAir Defense Identification Zone
ADJAdjustmentMechanical term
ADM1aeronautical decision-makingPiloting term of judgment
ADM2air data module
ADS1air data system
ADS2automatic dependent surveillance
ADS-AAutomatic dependent surveillance – address
ADS-BAutomatic dependent surveillance – broadcast
ADS-CAutomatic dependent surveillance – contract
ADVArbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Verkehrsflughäfen“German Airports Association”
AEAAssociation of European Airlines
AESAActive electronically scanned array
AFCSautomatic flight control system
AFDautopilot flight director
AFDCautopilot flight director computer
AFDSautopilot flight director system
AFDXAvionics Full-Duplex Switched Ethernet
AFEabove field elevation
AFISairborne flight information systemalso called automatic flight information service
AFMaircraft flight manual
AFSaeronautical fixed service
AFTAft The direction against the aircraft movement
AFTNAeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network
AGACSAutomatic ground–air communications systemalso known as ATCSS or data link
AGBaccessory gear boxmainly used in turbine engine
AGCautomatic gain control
AGDLair–ground data link
AGLabove ground level
AHCattitude heading control
AHRSAttitude and heading reference system
AIDSaircraft integrated data system
AIMAeronautical Information Manual
AIPAeronautical Information Publication
AIRACaeronautical information regulation and control
AIRMETAirmen’s Meteorological Advisory[4]in-flight advisory given over 126.7
AIXMaeronautical information exchange model
ALIAirworthiness Limitation Item
ALSapproach lighting system
ANDAircraft Nose Down
AMCAcceptable Means of Compliance (EASA)
AMEAircraft Maintenance Engineer
AMEAviation Medical Examiner
AMMAircraft Maintenance Manual
AMOApproved Maintenance Organization
AMSLabove mean sea level
AMPaircraft maintenance program
AMTAircraft Maintenance Technician
ANSPair navigation service provider
ANSPAuthorization of Aircraft Network Security Program (FAA)
ANPTAeronautical national pipe taper
ANSOGAirport Network Security Operator Guidance (Boeing)
A/OAir oilIn turbine engines
AOAangle of attack
AOCair operator’s certificate
AOGaircraft on ground
AOMaircraft operations manual
AOMairport/aerodrome operating minima
A/Pairplane (US), aeroplane (ICAO)
APUauxiliary power unit
APVapproach procedure with vertical guidance
ARairworthiness review
ARauthorization required
ARAs required
ARCairworthiness review certificate
ARINCAeronautical Radio Inc.
AROairport reservation office
ARPaerodrome reference point
ARTCCair route traffic control centers
ASASAirborne Separation Assurance System
ASDAAccelerate Stop Distance Available
ASIairspeed indicator
ASLabove sea level[1]
ASLOAircraft Security Logging Overview
ASMairspace management
ASMavailable seat miles
ATAAir Transport Association
ATCair traffic control
ATDactual time of departureequivalent to off-block time[5]
ATFaerodrome traffic frequency
ATFMair traffic flow management
ATISAutomatic Terminal Information Service
ATMAir traffic management
ATNAeronautical Telecommunication Network
ATOApproved Training Organisation
ATPLAirline Transport Pilot Licence
ATQPAlternative Training and Qualification Programme
ATSair traffic service
AWBSAviation weather briefing service[4]Available at designated FSS‘s
AWGAmerican Wire GageThe larger the size number, the smaller the wire diameter.
AWISAviation weather information service[4]Available at FSS
AWOSAutomated weather observation system[4]Automated METAR reporting system
AWWSAviation weather web site[6]In Canada
BCback course
BCAABelgian Civil Aviation Authority
BDCbottom dead centre[1]Piston engine
BFLbalanced field length
BHPbrake horsepower[1]
BITEBuilt-In Test Equipment
BLButt Line
BMEBridge Mounted Equipment
B/PBlue Print
BPRbypass ratio
BOMbill of material
BTVBrake-to-Vacate SystemA new feature introduced by Airbus A380
BWCbird watch condition
BVIDBarely Visible Impact Damage
BVRBeyond Visual Range
C2command and control
CAACivil Aviation Authority
CAMcockpit area microphonePart of a cockpit voice recorder
CAMEContinuing Airworthiness Management Exposition
CAMOContinuing Airworthiness Management Organisation
CAMPContinuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program (FAA)
CANSOCivil Air Navigation Services Organisation
CAPcabin attendant panel
CARcivil aviation regulation
CARscivil aviation regulations[7][8]
CARSCanadian Aviation Regulations
CAScalibrated airspeed
CASSCommercial Air Service Standards
CASScontinuing analysis and surveillance system
CATclear air turbulence[1]
CATCommercial Air Transport
CAWcontinuing airworthiness (EASA)
CBTcomputer based training
CCRsclosed circuit mixed gas rebreathers
CCRsconstant current regulators
CDCCLcritical design configuration control limitation
CDIcourse deviation indicator
CDLconfiguration deviation list
CDUcontrol/display unit
CFITcontrolled flight into terrain
CFGconstant frequency generator
CFRCode of Federal Regulations
CGcenter of gravity
CHCourse Heading
CHDOcertificate-holding district office (FAA)
CHTCylinder Head Temperature (Piston engine aviation)
CIcost index
CLcheck lista flight deck manual
CMCcentral maintenance computer
CMMcomponent maintenance manual
CMOCertificate Management OfficeFAA
CMVconverted meteorological visibility
CMPAcomplex motor-powered aircraft
CofACertificate of airworthiness
COTSCommercial off-the-shelf
CPDLCcontroller–pilot data link communications
CPRChanged product ruleEASA
CRDComment-response document (EASA)Part of rule making process
CRESCorrosion resistant steel
CScertification specification (EASA)
CSDconstant speed drive
CSOcycles since overhaul
CSScabin services system
CSUconstant speed unit
CSCTConfiguration Item Signer Crater ToolBoeing
CTAFcommon traffic advisory frequency
CTRcontrolled traffic region/control zone
CVRcockpit voice recorder
CWScontrol wheel steering
DCompass Deviation
DAdensity altitude
DA/Hdecision altitude/height (rel. to THR) See instrument landing system
DAHdesign approval holder (EASA)
DBERdamaged beyond economic repair
DERdeparture end of runway
DERDesignated Engineering Representative
DEUdisplay electronic unit
DGdirectional gyro
DGPSdifferential GPS[1]
DGRDangerous Goods Regulation
DLRGerman Aerospace Center / Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
DMEdistance measuring equipment
DMEDesignated Mechanic Examiner[2]A person appointed by the FAA
DMIdeferred maintenance item
DOdesign organization
DOAdesign organization approvalEASA
DOMdesign organization manual
DODARdiagnose, options, decide, act/assign, review
DOWdry operational weight
DPDeparture Procedures
DRdead reckoning
DTOdeclared training organisation
DUATSDirect User Access Terminal Service
EAengineering authorisation
EADIElectronic Attitude Direction Indicator
EASequivalent airspeed[1]
EASAEuropean Aviation Safety Agency
EATexpected approach time[1]
EBOMengineering Bill of Material
EBUengine build-up
ECengineering control (also E/C)
ECAMelectronic centralised aircraft monitor
ECETend of civil evening twilight
ECREngineering Change Request
ECSEnvironmental control system
EDRengineering data record
EDTOextended diversion time operations
EECelectronic engine control
EETestimated elapsed time
EFBelectronic flight bag
EFCexpect further clearance
EFFRAengine failure flap retraction altitude
EFISelectronic flight instrument system
EFPengine failure procedure
EFSelevator feel shift
EFTOengine failure on take-off
EGPWSenhanced ground proximity warning system
EGTexhaust gas temperature
EHMengine health monitoring
EHSIElectronic Horizontal Situation Indicator
EICASengine-indicating and crew-alerting system
E-LSAexperimental light-sport aircraft
ELACelevator and aileron computer
ELOSEquivalent Level of Safety
ELTemergency locator transmitter
EMASengineered materials arresting system
EMDPelectric motor driven pump
ENCASIAEuropean Network of Civil Aviation Safety Investigation Authorities
EOBTestimated off-blocktime
EPAEuropean part approval (EASA)
EPRengine pressure ratio
ERMengineering request for maintenance
ESAemergency safe altitude
ETAestimated time of arrival
ETDestimated time of departure[1]
ETEestimated time en route[1]
ETLeffective translational lift
ETOPSExtended-range Twin-engine Operation Performance Standards, see ETOPS
ETSOEuropean Technical Standard Order, issued by EASA; see TSO
EUROCAEEuropean Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment
EVASemergency vision assurance system
EWEmpty Weight
FAAU.S. Department of Transportations’ Federal Aviation AdministrationOrganisation
FADECfull authority digital engine controlEngine equipment
FACFlight Augmentation computerAvionics
FAFfinal approach fix
FAF[first available flight]Airline operations
FANSfuture air navigation systemAvionics
FAPfinal approach point
FAPforward attendant panelAircraft equipment
FARFederal Aviation RegulationFAA regulation
FAR/AIMFederal Aviation Regulation /bundle of FAA regulations and Aeronautical Manual[9]
Aeronautical Information Manual
FAROSfinal approach runway occupancy signal
FATOfinal approach and take off
FBWinds aloftWorld Meteorological Organization abbrev. see also FD
FBOfixed-base operatorAirfield operations
FBSfixed base simulatorFlight crew training
FCflight crew
FCFfunctional flight checkCheck functionality after maintenance
FCOMflight crew operating manualAircraft operations
FCTMflight crew training manual
FCUfuel control unitIn turbine engines
FDflight directorAvionics
FDupper winds and temperature forecast[1]US and Canada abbrev. See also FB
FDMflight data monitoringOperations planning
FDRflight data recorder (also known as black box)Avionics
FDTLflight duty time limitations
FEPfinal end point
FFDZfree fall drop zone (parachutists)
FFSfull flight simulatorFlight crew training
FICflight information centre
FIDOFog Investigation and Dispersal OperationAirfield operations
FIKIFlight Into Known IcingAircraft operations
FIRflight information regionATC
FISFederal Inspection Services
FISEflight information service enroute
FLflight levelATC
FMfrequency modulationExample: FM immunity
FMAflight mode annunciatorEquipment
FMCflight management computer (part of a FMS)Avionics
FMGCflight Management and guidance computerAvionics
FMSflight management systemAvionics
F/OFirst OfficerFlight crew
FODforeign object damageAirfield operations
FOOflight operation officerPerson
FOQAflight operational quality assurance
FPAflight path angle
FPLfiled flight planATC
FPMfeet per minute
FSDOFlight Standards District Office (FAA)
FSFFlight Safety FoundationOrganisation
FSIMSFlight Standards Information Management System (FAA)
FSSflight service station
FTDflight training deviceFlight crew training
FTLflight time limitations
FVUflux valve unitEquipment
GAgeneral aviation
G/A or GAgo-aroundaborted landing procedure
GBSTground-based, software toolairfield operations
GCAGround-controlled approachairfield operations
GCUgenerator control unit
GEAGround effect area
GLOCg-induced loss of consciousness“g” is acceleration relevant to the acceleration caused by gravity
GMguidance material (EASA)
GMMgeneral maintenance manual
GNDgroundairfield operations
GPglide pathsee instrument landing system
GPPgeneral practices and procedures
GPSGlobal Positioning Systemavionics
GPUGround Power UnitAerospace Ground Equipment
GPWSground proximity warning systemavionics
GSEground support equipmentaerospace ground equipment
GUMPSGas, Undercarriage, Mixture, Propeller, Seat belts/Switchesmental checklist before landing
HHeavy (in the context of wake turbulence categories)
HATHeight Above Touchdown
HAZMATHazardous Material
HBCSHigh Bandwidth Connectivity System
HDIHorizontal Deviation Indicator
HFEHuman Factors Engineering[10]
HFESHuman Factors and Ergonomics Society
HIGEHover In Ground Effect
HIRLHigh Intensity Runway lightingAirfield operations
HIROHigh Intensity Runway OperationAirfield operations
HIRTAHigh Intensity Radio Transmission Area
HIWASHazardous Inflight Weather Advisory Service
HLHeight loss
HLDholdMaintain same altitude or speed or direction
HMGhydraulic motor generator
HMUhydro-mechanical unitIn turbine engine
HOGEHover Out of Ground EffectHelicopter operations
HPAhuman-powered aircraftAircraft type
HPChigh pressure compressorIn turbine engine
HPThigh pressure turbineIn turbine engines
HPTACChigh pressure turbine active clearance controlMainly used in turbofan engines
HSIhorizontal situation indicatorAvionics
HUDhead-up displayAvionics
HUMHuman Remains
HYDhydraulicAircraft equipment
HYDIMhydraulic interface module
IACinstrument approach chart
IAFinitial approach fix
IAPinstrument approach procedure
IASindicated airspeed
IATAInternational Air Transport Association
ICAInstructions for Continuous Airworthiness
ICAOInternational Civil Aviation Organization
ICASInternational Council of the Aeronautical Sciences
ICDInterface Control Document
ICOidle cut-off
ICTSIce Contaminated Tailplane Stall
IDGintegrated drive generatorCombination of a CSD and generator in a single case
IDTidentify (XPDR)
IEPRintegrated engine pressure ratio
IETMinteractive electronic technical manual
IFintermediate approach fix
IFAInternational Federation of Airworthiness
IFATCAInternational Federation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Associations
IFEIn Flight Entertainment
IFPinstrument flight procedure
IFRinstrument flight rules
IFSDin-flight shutdown
IGVInlet guide vane
ILSinstrument landing system
IMCinstrument meteorological conditions
IMLInside Mold Line
IPCIllustrated Parts Catalog (e.g. by Boeing, Airbus)
IRInitial Release
IRSinertial reference system
IRTinstrument rating test
IRVRinstrumented runway visual range
ISAInternational Standard Atmosphere
ISFDintegrated standby flight display
ISISintegrated standby instrument system
ITARInternational Traffic in Arms Regulations
ITTinterstage turbine temperature
JAAJoint Aviation Authorities
JARJoint Aviation Requirements
KCASknots calibrated airspeed
KIASknots indicated airspeed
KREkey risk element
KTASknots true airspeed
LLightin the context of wake turbulence categories
LAHSOLand And Hold Short Operations
LAMElicensed aircraft maintenance engineer
LCClow-cost carrier
LCGload classification group
LCNload classification number
LDAlanding distance available
LDAlocalizer type directional aid
LHOlive human organs
LIRLoading Instruction Report
LKPlast known position
LLCLife Limited Component
LLPLife Limited PartEASA, ICAO
LLZlocalizer (ILS)
LMland and marine
LNAVlateral navigation
LOAletter of authorizationFAA
LOCloss of control; localizer
LOFTline-oriented flight training
LOMlimitation of movement
LOMlocator outer marker
LOTCloss of thrust control
LPClow pressure compressorIn turbine engines
LPTlow pressure turbine
LPTACClow pressure turbine active clearance controlMainly used in turbofan engines
LPVlocalizer performance with vertical guidance
LRClong range cruise
LRUline-replaceable unit
LSAPloadable software aircraft part (EASA)introduced in RMP for technical records
LSASlongitudinal stability augmentation system
LTCline training captain
LTPlanding threshold point
LVPlow visibility procedures
LWlanding weight
LZlanding zone
Mmedium (in the context of wake turbulence categories)
MACmean aerodynamic chord
MACmid-air collision
MAPmissed approach point or manifold absolute pressure
MATSManual of Air Traffic Services
MBCMain Base Check
MCASManeuvering Characteristics Augmentation System
MCCMulti Crew Coordination
MCDUmultifunction control display unit
MCHManufacturer Certificate Holder (TCCA); see also PAH and POA
MCPmode control panel
MCTmaximum continuous thrust
MCDUmulti control display unit
MDAminimum descent altitude
MDDRmaintenance deferred defect record
MDHminimum descent height
MDMmulti-disciplinary measure (EASA)
MEManufacturing Engineer
MEAMinimum En-route Altitude
MEDEVACmedical evacuation
MEFmaximum elevation figure
MMELmaster minimum equipment list
MELminimum equipment list
MEPmulti-engine piston
METARmeteorological aerodrome report (METAR)
MFDmulti-function display
MFRAminimum flap retraction altitude
MHmagnetic heading
MLmaintenance laptop
MLDWmaximum landing weight
MLGMain Landing Gear
MLSmicrowave landing system
MMmiddle marker
MOCAMinimum Obstacle Clearance Altitude
MOEmaintenance organisation exposition
MORAMinimum Off Route Altitude
MPmanifold pressure
MPLmulti-crew pilot license
MRBMaterial Review Board
MROmaintenance, repair, overhaul
MROmaintenance and repair organization
MROTMinimum Runway Occupancy Time
MRPMaterial Resources Planning
MRWmaximum ramp weight
MSAminimum safe altitude / minimum sector altitude
MSDSMaterial Safety Data Sheet
MSLmean sea level
MSLWMax. Structural Landing Weight
MSTOWMax. Structural Take-off Weight
MTOWmaximum take-off weight
MSZFWMax. Structural Zero Fuel Weight
MVAMinimum Vectoring Altitude
MZFWmaximum zero-fuel weight
NADPnoise abatement departure procedure
NDBnon-directional beacon
NDTnon-destructive testing
NGSnitrogen generation system
NHAnext higher assembly
NISTNational Institute of Standards and Technology
NLGnose landing gear
NLRNetherlands Aerospace Research Centre
NNCnon-normal checklist
NORDOno radio
NOTAMnotice to airmen
NOTARno tail rotor[2]helicopter control system
NPAnon-precision approach
NPAnotice of proposed amendment (EASA)
NPRMnotice of proposed rulemaking (FAA)
NRRnoise reduction ratinghearing protector attenuation
NRTCnonroutine task card
NTZno-transgression zone
N numbers (turbines)
Ncompressor speed[1]N1, N2, etc. refers to specific compressor spool (in the order that air passes over them).
Nggas generator speed[1]
Nhhigh rotor speed[1]
Nppower turbine speed[1]
Nrrotor speed (helicopters)Np and Nr are typically shown on the same gauge with two needles, both expressed in percent, so that the pilot can tell if the power turbine is driving the rotor or if it is freewheeling.
OAToutside air temperature
OBEovercome by events
OBSomni-bearing selector
OCAobstacle clearance altitude
OCCMon condition / condition monitored components
OCHobstacle clearance height
OEIone engine inoperative
OEMoriginal equipment manufacturer
OGVoutlet guide vane
OHMoverhaul manual
OISobstacle identification surface
OMouter marker
OMLouter mold line
ONSonboard network system
ONATOnboard Network Access Terminal
OTSout of service
OPCoperational check
OPS/CHKoperational check
OWoperational weight
P PJA || Parachute Jumping Area
P(as a prefix:) prohibited airspace
PApressure altitude
PAHproduction approval holder (FAA); see also POA and MCH
PANS-OPSprocedures for air navigation services – aircraft operations
PAOGPre Aircraft on Ground
PAPIprecision approach path indicator
PARprecision approach radar
PATWASPilot’s Automatic Telephone Weather Answering Service[4]
PBCSperformance-based communication and surveillance
PBDplace bearing distance (RNAV waypoint)
PBEProtective Breathing Equipment
PBNPerformance-Based Navigation
PCproficiency check
PCNpavement classification number
PDAperformance degradation allowance
PDASpublic domain aeronautical software
PDGprocedure design gradient
PDMpilot decision making
PDUpower drive unit (flap actuation)
PETpoint of equal time
PFpilot flying
PFAFprecision final approach fix
PFDprimary flight display
PICPilot In Command
PICUSPilot In Command, under supervision[11]
PIOPilot Induced Oscillations
PIPperformance improvement package
PIREPPilot Report
PJEParachute jumping exercise
PMpilot monitoring
PMAParts Manufacturer Approval
PMGPermanent magnet generator
PNpart number (also P/N)
PNFpilot not flying
PNRPoint of No Return
POAProduction Organisation Approval (EASA); see also PAH and MHC
POBpersons on board
POFPrinciples Of Flight
POHPilot’s Operating Handbook
PPLprivate pilot licence
PPRprior permission required
PSpassenger step
PSRpoint of safe return
PSRpower supply reset
PSRprimary surveillance radar
PSUpassenger service unit
PTCUpower transfer Control unit
PTFpermit to fly
PTTpush to talk
QARquick access recorder
QCMquality and compliance monitoring
QECquick engine change
QFEthe Q-code for: Atmospheric pressure at aerodrome elevation (or at runway threshold)
QNEthe Q-code for pressure altitude
QNHthe Q-code for: Altimeter sub-scale setting to obtain elevation when on the ground, i.e. altitude above MSL
QRAquick reaction alert
QRHquick reference handbook
R(as a prefix:) restricted airspace
RAradio altitude or radar altimeter
RAresolution advisory (in the context of TCAS)
RAASRunway Awareness and Advisory System
RAASremote airport advisory service
RAIMReceiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring
RAREPSWeather Radar Reports[4]Provided by Air Traffic Controllers
RASrectified air speed
RA(T)restricted area (temporary)
RATram air turbine
RCOremote communications outlet
RDHreference datum height for ILS
REORepair engineering order
RFFrescue and fire fighting
RFIrecreational flight instructor
RGBreduction gear box
RIAregulatory impact assessment (EASA)
RIIrequired inspection items
RMIradio magnetic indicator
RMPRadio Management Panel
RMTrule making task (EASA)
RNAVarea navigation
RNPrequired navigation performance
RPLRecreational Pilot Licence
RPLrepetitive flight planning
RPTregular public transport
RSArunway safety area
RSRen-route surveillance radar
RTBreturn to base
RTLrudder travel limiting
RTOrejected take-off
RTOWregulatory take-off weight
RVDTrotary variable differential transformerIn a turbine engine
RVRrunway visual range
RVSMreduced vertical separation minima
RWramp weight
SARSurveillance Approach Radar
SASstability augmentation system
SATSaturated Air Temperature
SBservice bulletin
SCspecial condition
SCAPStandard Computerized Airplane Performance
SCCMsenior cabin crew member
SDFSimplified directional facility
SEPSafety and Emergency Procedures
SEPsingle-engine piston
SESARSingle European Sky ATM Research
SESMASpecial Event Search and Master Analysis
SFCCSlat Flap Control Computer
SFOSenior First Officer
SFOCSpecial Flight Operating Certificate
SIDstandard instrument departure
SIGMETSignificant Meteorological Information
SLPCsingle lever power control
SMservice manual
SMMsafety management document (ICAO)
SMOHSince major overhaul
SMRsurface movement radar
SMTsoftware maintenance tool
SNserial number
SOCstart of climb at missed approach
SODPROsimultaneous opposite direction parallel runway operations
SOGspeed over ground (same as ground speed)
SOPstandard operating procedure
SOWStatement of Work
SRMstructural repair manual
STARstandard terminal arrival route
STCsupplemental type certificate
STOLshort take-off and landing[1]
STSspeed trim system
SVFRSpecial visual flight rules
TAtraffic advisory (see TCAS)
TAAterminal arrival area
TACthrust asymmetry compensation
TACANtactical air navigation
TAFterminal aerodrome forecast
TAIthermal anti-ice
TAMtotal airport management
TARterminal approach radar
TAStrue airspeed
TATtotal air temperature
TAWSterrain awareness and warning system
TBOtime between overhauls
TBVtransient bleed valveIn turbine engines
TCtowering cumulus
TCturn coordinator
TCTrue Course
TCtype certificate
TCAterminal control area
TCAStraffic collision avoidance system
TCCATransport Canada’s Civil Aviation
TCDStype certificate data sheet
TCHthreshold crossing height
TCIthrust computer indicator
TCUterminal control unitAir traffic control
TDZtouchdown zone
TERPSterminal procedures
TFRtemporary flight restrictionAirspace
TGBtransfer gearbox
TGLtemporary guidance leaflet
TGL(S)touch-and-go landing(s)
THTrue Heading
THRrunway threshold
THStrimmable horizontal stabilizer, see tailplane
TITturbine inlet temperature
TLDtime-limited dispatch
TLBtechnical logbook (EASA)
TLStransponder landing system
TMAterminal manoeuvring area (Europe)/terminal control area (USA and Canada)
TMGtouring motor glider
TMLToolbox Mobile Library (Boeing)
TMZtransponder mandatory zone
TOCTop of Climb (also known as T/C)
TODtop of descent
TODAtake-off distance available
TO/GAtake-off/go around
TOPtake-off power
TORtake-off runway
TORAtake-off runway available
TOWtake-off weight
TOWStake-off warning system
TRtransformer rectifier
TRthrust reversers
TPturning point at missed approach
TRAtemporary reserved area (airspace)
TRACONterminal radar approach control
TREtype rating examiner
TRPthrust rating panel
TSOtechnical standard order[2]FAA specification of quality standard.
TTAFtotal time air frame
TTSNtotal time since new
TTSOtotal time since overhaul
TWBTranscribed Weather Broadcasts[4]Abbreviated area forecast
TWCtail wind component
TWLUTerminal Wireless LAN Unit
UASUnmanned Aircraft System[12]
UAVunmanned air vehiclecommonly called ‘drones’
UHFultra-high frequency
UIRupper information region
UTCUniversal Time Coordinatedindicates time zones
Vmagnetic variation
V&Vvideo & vision[13]
VASIvisual approach slope indicator
VBVvariable bleed valvein turbine engines
VCRvisual control room
VCSvehicle control service
VDPvisual descent point
VFRvisual flight rules
VGvortex generator
VGMvoice generator modulesee AWOS
VHFvery high frequency
VIDvisible impact damage
VIGVvariable inlet guide vane
VMCvisual meteorological conditions
VNAVvertical navigation
VNCVFR navigation chart
VORVHF omni-directional range
VRSvortex ring statehelicopter flight phenomenon
VSCFvariable speed constant frequencyelectricity generation system
VSIvertical speed indicator
VSVvariable stator vanein a turbine engine
VTAVFR terminal area chart[1]
VTOLvertical take-off and landing[1]
VVIvertical velocity indicatorsame as VSI
V speeds
V1speed at or above which takeoff cannot be safely interrupted
V2speed at or above which takeoff can be done with 1 engine out
Vamaneuvering speed
Vfemaximum flaps extended speed
Vlemaximum landing gear extension speed
Vlomaximum landing gear operating speed
Vloflift-off speed
Vmcminimum control speed
Vmcavelocity of minimum control in the air
Vmcgvelocity of minimum control on ground
Vmomaximum operating speed
Vnenever-exceed speed
Vnonormal operating speed limit
Vrrotate speed
Vrarough air speed
Vrefreference touchdown speed
Vsstall speed
Vsostall speed in landing configuration
Vxbest angle of climb speed
Vybest rate of climb speed
WACWorld Aeronautical Chart
WATweight, altitude, temperature: variables that affect takeoff performance
W&BWeight & Balance
WCAWind Correction Angle
WDMWiring Diagram Manual
WEFwith effect from
WOCLwindow of circadian low
WOFWweight-off-wheels, indicates aircraft is off ground since lift off
WONWweight-on-wheels, indicates aircraft is on ground since touch down
WSwind shear
WTCWake Turbulence Category
Yyaw or yaw angle
Y/Dyaw damper
ZZulu Time (UTC)
ZFTzero-fuel time
ZFWzero-fuel weight
ZULUZulu Time (UTC)

IATA meal codes

IATA Cabin Operations Safety Best Practices defines the following standard meal codes:

AVML – Asian Vegetarian Meal
BBML – Baby Meal
BLML – Bland Meal
CHML – Child Meal
DBML – Diabetic Meal
FPML – Fruit Platter Meal
GFML – Gluten Intolerant Meal
HNML – Hindu Meal
KSML – Kosher Meal
LCML – Low-Calorie Meal
LSML – Low Sodium Meal
MOML – Muslim Meal
NLML – Non-Lactose Meal
RVML – Raw Vegetarian Meal
LFML – Low Fat Meal
SFML – Seafood Meal
VGML – Vegan Meal
VJML – Vegetarian Jain Meal
VLML – Vegetarian Lacto-ovo Meal
VOML – Vegetarian Oriental Meal

Codes used by other airlines include:

ALML – Allergen Meal
CLML – Celebration Cake Meal
HFML – High Fibre Meal
OBML – Japanese Obento Meal (on United Airlines[citation needed])
JPML – Japanese Meal (on Japan Airlines[citation needed])
JNML – Junior Meal
KSMLS – Kosher Meal (Snack)
NBML – No Beef Meal (on China Airlines[citation needed])
NFML – No Fish Meal (on Lufthansa[citation needed])
LPML – Low Protein Meal
PRML – Low Purin Meal
ORML – Oriental Meal
PFML – Peanut Free Meal
SPML – Special Meal, Specify Food

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Airport Definition – Runway, Taxiway, Apron, Parking Stand, Aircraft/Aeroplane, Airport/Aerodrome

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